0105/2016 - Complex chronic conditions in children and adolescents: hospitalizations in Brazil, 2013. Condições crônicas complexas em crianças e adolescents: internações no Brasil, 2013.
Objetivo. Estimar a magnitude das internações por doenças crónicas complexas no Brasil. Métodos. Dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares referentes a 2013 foram compilados de acordo com a Classificação Internacional de Doenças 10ª revisão. Taxas de internação foram estimadas de acordo com a região, sexo, idade e doença, tendo como referência a população de 2012, como bem o percentual de procedimentos de alta complexidade e as taxas de mortalidade. Resultados. Hospitais públicos tiveram 190.000 pacientes internados em 2013. A taxa foi maior entre a população do Sul do Brasil, entre homens e crianças menores de um ano de idade. A taxa foi menor entre a população do Norte, entre mulheres e crianças entre 10 e 14 anos de idade. A duração média de internação foi de seis dias, a porcentagem de procedimentos de alta complexidade foi de 13,5% e a taxa de mortalidade foi de 1,3%. As três causas mais comuns para internações foram as doenças do sistema respiratório, neoplasias e doenças do sistema nervoso. Conclusões. A incidência de hospitalização por doenças crônicas complexas foi 331 para 100.000 crianças e adolescentes no Brasil, com uma estimativa de 240.000 crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados devido a condições crônicas complexas como a causa primária. Esse panorama aponta para as doenças crónicas complexas como problema emergente em saúde pública no Brasil, demandando plane
Objective. To estimate the extent of hospitalizations for complex chronic conditions in Brazil. Methods. Datathe Hospital Information System for 2013 were compiled according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision. Hospitalization rates were estimated according to region, sex, age and disease chapter, taking into account the 2012 population as a reference, as well the percentage of highly complex procedures and mortality rates. Results. Public hospitals treated 190,000 inpatients in 2013. The rate was highest among the population in the South of Brazil, those who were male and children under the age of one. The rate was lowest among the population in the North, females and children aged between 10 and 14years. The mean duration of hospitalization was six days, the percentage of highly complex procedures was 13.5% and the mortality rate was 1.3%. The three most common causes for hospitalizations were diseases of the respiratory system, neoplasms and diseases of the nervous system. Conclusions. The incidence of complex chronic conditions is 331 inwards per 100,000 children and adolescents in Brazil, with an estimate of 240,000 children and adolescents hospitalized due to complex chronic conditions as the primary cause. This panorama points to the problem as an emergent public health issue in Brazil, making it necessary to prepare a health plan that supports the specific needs of this population.
Condições crônicas complexas em crianças e adolescents: internações no Brasil, 2013.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective. To estimate the extent of hospitalizations for complex chronic conditions in Brazil. Methods. Datathe Hospital Information System for 2013 were compiled according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision. Hospitalization rates were estimated according to region, sex, age and disease chapter, taking into account the 2012 population as a reference, as well the percentage of highly complex procedures and mortality rates. Results. Public hospitals treated 190,000 inpatients in 2013. The rate was highest among the population in the South of Brazil, those who were male and children under the age of one. The rate was lowest among the population in the North, females and children aged between 10 and 14years. The mean duration of hospitalization was six days, the percentage of highly complex procedures was 13.5% and the mortality rate was 1.3%. The three most common causes for hospitalizations were diseases of the respiratory system, neoplasms and diseases of the nervous system. Conclusions. The incidence of complex chronic conditions is 331 inwards per 100,000 children and adolescents in Brazil, with an estimate of 240,000 children and adolescents hospitalized due to complex chronic conditions as the primary cause. This panorama points to the problem as an emergent public health issue in Brazil, making it necessary to prepare a health plan that supports the specific needs of this population.
MOURA, EC, Menezes, Livia Almeida, Ferreira, Isadora Almeida, Gomes, R, Moreira, M. C. N.. Complex chronic conditions in children and adolescents: hospitalizations in Brazil, 2013.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mar). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/complex-chronic-conditions-in-children-and-adolescents-hospitalizations-in-brazil-2013/15527?id=15527&id=15527