Esta pesquisa busca analisar o conhecimento dos moradores sobre o território, Complexo Industrial e Portuário do Pecém (CIPP), qualidade de vida das comunidades que vivem no entorno dos empreendimentos, além da prevalência de hipertensão e excesso de peso. Trata-se de um inquérito epidemiológico, de base domiciliar, envolvendo quatro áreas da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) do Município de São Gonçalo do Amarante e uma de Caucaia, Ceará, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado entre 10/2017 e 03/2018, em que foram realizadas aferições antropométricas (peso, altura) e pressão arterial e coletados dados sociodemográficos e o conhecimento sobre comunidade, CIPP e qualidade de vida. Dos 503 adultos entrevistados, 69,8% eram do sexo feminino e a média de idade foi 44 anos. Parada foi a área que relatou o maior percentual de problemas relacionados às partículas aéreas (51,1%), pior conceito em relação ao CIPP (40,1% ruim), maior percentual de piora da qualidade de vida (29,1%) e maior desejo de mudar (31,5%). Pecém apresentou maior percentual de problemas na comunidade relacionados à violência (31,7%), consumo de drogas ilícitas (85%) e prostituição (61%). Conclui-se que se apresenta indícios de impacto na saúde e qualidade de vida das populações locais sem maiores benefícios diretos no trabalho/renda.
Saúde ambiental; Avaliação do Impacto na Saúde; Inquéritos epidemiológicos.
This research seeks to analyze the residents’ knowledge of the territories, Port and Industrial Compound of Pecém (PICP), quality of life of the communities that live in the vicinity of the enterprises, in addition the prevalence of hypertension and overweight. This is a epidemiological surveys, home-based study, involving four areas of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) at São Gonçalo do Amarante county and an area of the FHS of Caucaia, Ceará, Brazil. The study was carried out between 10/2017 and 03/2018, in which anthropometric measurements (weight, height) and blood pressure were performed and sociodemographic data and knowledge about community, PICP and quality of life were collected. Of the 503 adults interviewed, 69.8% were female and the average age was 44 years old. Parada was the area that reported the highest percentage of problems related to aerial particles (51.1%), the worst concept in relation to PICP (40.1% bad), the highest percentage of worsening quality of life (29, 1%) and greater desire to change (31.5%). Pecém had the highest percentage of problems in the community related to violence (31.7%), consumption of illicit drugs (85%) and prostitution (61%). It is concluded that there are signs of impact on the health and quality of life of local populations without greater direct benefits at work / income.
Environmental Health; Health Impact Assessment; Epidemiological Surveys
Resumo (abstract):
This research seeks to analyze the residents’ knowledge of the territories, Port and Industrial Compound of Pecém (PICP), quality of life of the communities that live in the vicinity of the enterprises, in addition the prevalence of hypertension and overweight. This is a epidemiological surveys, home-based study, involving four areas of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) at São Gonçalo do Amarante county and an area of the FHS of Caucaia, Ceará, Brazil. The study was carried out between 10/2017 and 03/2018, in which anthropometric measurements (weight, height) and blood pressure were performed and sociodemographic data and knowledge about community, PICP and quality of life were collected. Of the 503 adults interviewed, 69.8% were female and the average age was 44 years old. Parada was the area that reported the highest percentage of problems related to aerial particles (51.1%), the worst concept in relation to PICP (40.1% bad), the highest percentage of worsening quality of life (29, 1%) and greater desire to change (31.5%). Pecém had the highest percentage of problems in the community related to violence (31.7%), consumption of illicit drugs (85%) and prostitution (61%). It is concluded that there are signs of impact on the health and quality of life of local populations without greater direct benefits at work / income.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Environmental Health; Health Impact Assessment; Epidemiological Surveys
NUTO, S. A. S, Barreira Filho, E. B., Oliveira, B., de Freitas, R. W. J., do Couto, L. de O., Jacobson,L. da S. V., Hacon, S. S., Périssé, A.R.S. COMPLEXO INDUSTRIAL E PORTUÁRIO DO PECEM: UM INQUÉRITO EPIDEMIOLÓGICO. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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