0388/2019 - Conhecimentos e práticas de gerentes e profissionais da esf na prevenção das violências com adolescentes. Knowledge and practices of esf managers and professionals in the prevention of violence against adolescents.
Este estudo objetivou identificar fatores potencializadores às ações da ESF no enfrentamento das violências entre adolescentes. A amostra foi aleatória de 61 equipes da ESF, de três municípios. Utilizou-se de questionários tabulados pelo EpiINFO 7.0, com análises bivariadas: Qui-quadrado, Fisher e “árvore de classificação”, para analise das experiências nessa temática e as seguintes questões: vínculo, tempo de formado, capacitação, conhecimento de políticas públicas entre outras. Há o reconhecimento da vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes às violências, contudo, apenas duas equipes possuem experiências de prevenção com continuidade. Predomina a opinião que tais atividades não competem à ESF. O estudo identifica variáveis interdependentes que aumentam a probabilidade da prevenção das violências e promoção de cultura de paz com adolescentes.
Estratégia da Saúde da Família, prevenção de Violência, Adolescente, Promoção de saúde, Cultura de paz.
This study aimed to identify potential factors for the actions of the ESF in coping with violence among adolescents. The sample was random of 6 teamsthe ESF,three municipalities. We used questionnaires tabulated by EpiINFO 7.0, with bivariate analyzes: Chi-square, Fisher and \"classification tree\", to analyze the experiences in this theme and the following questions: bond, training time, training, knowledge of public policies among others. There is recognition of adolescents\' vulnerability to violence, however, only two teams have ongoing prevention experiences. The opinion predominates that such activities do not compete with the ESF. The study identifies interdependent variables that increase the likelihood of violence prevention and promotion of peace culture with adolescents.
Family Health Strategy, Violence prevention, Adolescent, Health promotion, Culture of peace.
Knowledge and practices of esf managers and professionals in the prevention of violence against adolescents.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to identify potential factors for the actions of the ESF in coping with violence among adolescents. The sample was random of 6 teamsthe ESF,three municipalities. We used questionnaires tabulated by EpiINFO 7.0, with bivariate analyzes: Chi-square, Fisher and \"classification tree\", to analyze the experiences in this theme and the following questions: bond, training time, training, knowledge of public policies among others. There is recognition of adolescents\' vulnerability to violence, however, only two teams have ongoing prevention experiences. The opinion predominates that such activities do not compete with the ESF. The study identifies interdependent variables that increase the likelihood of violence prevention and promotion of peace culture with adolescents.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Family Health Strategy, Violence prevention, Adolescent, Health promotion, Culture of peace.
Netto, M.F.V, Deslandes, S, Gomes Junior, S.C.S. Conhecimentos e práticas de gerentes e profissionais da esf na prevenção das violências com adolescentes.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/conhecimentos-e-praticas-de-gerentes-e-profissionais-da-esf-na-prevencao-das-violencias-com-adolescentes/17462?id=17462