0198/2019 - Consumo de frutas e associação com a ingestão de alimentos ultraprocessados no Brasil em 2008-2009. Consumption of fruits and its association with ultra-processed foods intake in Brazil in 2008-2009.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o consumo de frutas no Brasil e a associação com ingestão de alimentos ultraprocessados (UP) em amostra representativa de 32.900 brasileiros da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. A associação entre a participação calórica (% energia) das frutas na dieta e quintos de consumo de UP foi analisada por meio de regressão linear. Frutas representaram 5% das calorias, sendo cerca de metade (2,4%) como suco. Homens apresentaram consumo inferior ao das mulheres e houve maior consumo com aumento da idade, renda e escolaridade. Foi observada associação inversa entre consumo de frutas inteiras e UP (?:-0,12; IC95%: -0,18; -0,05). Dentre os indivíduos que consumiram frutas (68%) houve pouca diversidade (média: 1,16 tipos/dia). As frutas mais consumidas foram laranja, banana e maçã. Consumiu-se frutas inteiras principalmente nos horários de almoço e lanches e o consumo foi inversamente associado com a ingestão de UP no almoço, lanche da tarde e jantar. Os sucos foram mais consumidos no almoço e não variaram com o consumo de UP. Maior consumo de frutas fora do domicílio se repetiu em todos os quintos de UP. A baixa ingestão de frutas no Brasil e associação com UP reforçam a necessidade de iniciativas de promoção da alimentação saudável.
Consumo de Alimentos. Frutas. Alimentos ultraprocessados. Inquéritos Epidemiológicos. Brasil.
The objective was to describe the characteristics of fruit consumption in Brazil and its association with the intake of ultra-processed foods (UP) in a representative sample32,900 individualsthe 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. The association between energy contribution of fruits to the diet and quintiles of UP intake was analyzed through linear regression. Fruits accounted for just over 5% of the calories, about half of which (2.4%) as juice. Men presented lower consumption than women; consumption increased with increasing age, income, and schooling. There was an inverse association between consumption of whole fruits and UP (β: -0.12, 95%CI: -0.18; -0.05). Among the individuals who reported consuming fruits (68%), there was little diversity (mean: 1.16 types / day). The most consumed fruits were orange, banana, and apple. Whole fruits were consumed mainly at lunchtime and as snacks. The consumption was inversely associated with UP intake at lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Juices were consumed mainly at lunchtime and did not varied with UP intake. Higher fruit consumption outside home occurred in all quintiles of UP intake. Low fruit intake in Brazil and the association with UP consumption reinforce the need of initiatives to promote healthy eating.
Consumption of fruits and its association with ultra-processed foods intake in Brazil in 2008-2009.
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to describe the characteristics of fruit consumption in Brazil and its association with the intake of ultra-processed foods (UP) in a representative sample32,900 individualsthe 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. The association between energy contribution of fruits to the diet and quintiles of UP intake was analyzed through linear regression. Fruits accounted for just over 5% of the calories, about half of which (2.4%) as juice. Men presented lower consumption than women; consumption increased with increasing age, income, and schooling. There was an inverse association between consumption of whole fruits and UP (β: -0.12, 95%CI: -0.18; -0.05). Among the individuals who reported consuming fruits (68%), there was little diversity (mean: 1.16 types / day). The most consumed fruits were orange, banana, and apple. Whole fruits were consumed mainly at lunchtime and as snacks. The consumption was inversely associated with UP intake at lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Juices were consumed mainly at lunchtime and did not varied with UP intake. Higher fruit consumption outside home occurred in all quintiles of UP intake. Low fruit intake in Brazil and the association with UP consumption reinforce the need of initiatives to promote healthy eating.
Costa, J.C, Canella, D. S., Martins, A.P.B, LEVY, R. B., Andrade, G.C, Louzada, M. L. C. Consumo de frutas e associação com a ingestão de alimentos ultraprocessados no Brasil em 2008-2009.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jul). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/consumo-de-frutas-e-associacao-com-a-ingestao-de-alimentos-ultraprocessados-no-brasil-em-20082009/17272?id=17272