0541/2018 - Contaminação ambiental em larga escala por bisfenol-a: Estamos conscientes do risco e formas de exposição? Wide environmental contamination by bisphenol-a: Are we conscious of the risk and exposure forms?
INTRODUÇÃO: O Bisfenol-A (BFA) é uma substância amplamente empregada no cotidiano, principalmente nos materiais plásticos. Este estudo avaliou a exposição de universitários ao disruptor endócrino BFA, o conhecimento dos mesmos acerca dessa substância e dos seus danos à saúde humana. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo realizado com 500 estudantes de uma Universidade de Curitiba. A amostra foi selecionada de forma proporcional as três grandes áreas do conhecimento, sendo que os cursos entrevistados foram sorteados. Aos estudantes aplicou-se um questionário objetivo composto por três partes: socioeconômica, avaliação da exposição e testes de conhecimento. RESULTADOS: 91,3% dos respondentes consomem alimentos armazenados em embalagens plásticas, 90,06% utilizam bebidas nesse tipo de recipiente e 84,8% consomem bebidas/alimentos enlatados. Entretanto, apenas 19,8% já ouviram falar em BFA e 97,2% não sabem sobre a relação entre a exposição ao BFA e alterações endócrinas. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se uma alta taxa de exposição ao BFA e um baixo nível de conhecimento sobre o assunto. Essa desproporção evidencia a necessidade de pesquisas mais aprofundadas sobre o tema na população brasileira, além da ampliação de medidas informativas.
INTRODUCTION: Bisphenol-A (BFA) is a substance widely used in everyday life, especially in plastic materials. This study evaluated the exposure of university students to the endocrine disruptor BFA, their knowledge about this substance and its damage to human health. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 500 studentsa University of Curitiba. The sample was ed in proportion to the three major areas of knowledge, and the courses interviewed were drawn. The students answered an objective questionnaire consisting of three parts: socioeconomic, exposure assessment and knowledge tests. RESULTS: 91.3% of the respondents consume foods stored in plastic packaging, 90.06% use beverages in this type of container and 84.8% consume canned beverages / foods. However, only 19.8% have heard of BFA and 97.2% do not know about the relationship between BFA exposure and endocrine changes. CONCLUSION: There was a high rate of exposure to BFA and a low level of knowledge about the subject. This disproportion shows the need for more in-depth research on the subject in the Brazilian population, in addition to the expansion of information measures.
Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate; Endocrine disrupters; Public health
Wide environmental contamination by bisphenol-a: Are we conscious of the risk and exposure forms?
Resumo (abstract):
INTRODUCTION: Bisphenol-A (BFA) is a substance widely used in everyday life, especially in plastic materials. This study evaluated the exposure of university students to the endocrine disruptor BFA, their knowledge about this substance and its damage to human health. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out with 500 studentsa University of Curitiba. The sample was ed in proportion to the three major areas of knowledge, and the courses interviewed were drawn. The students answered an objective questionnaire consisting of three parts: socioeconomic, exposure assessment and knowledge tests. RESULTS: 91.3% of the respondents consume foods stored in plastic packaging, 90.06% use beverages in this type of container and 84.8% consume canned beverages / foods. However, only 19.8% have heard of BFA and 97.2% do not know about the relationship between BFA exposure and endocrine changes. CONCLUSION: There was a high rate of exposure to BFA and a low level of knowledge about the subject. This disproportion shows the need for more in-depth research on the subject in the Brazilian population, in addition to the expansion of information measures.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate; Endocrine disrupters; Public health
DaronchI, OT, Maluf, E. M. C. P., Ingenchki, V, Medeiros, M, Bittencourt, S, Gil, I. Contaminação ambiental em larga escala por bisfenol-a: Estamos conscientes do risco e formas de exposição?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/dez). [Citado em 02/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/contaminacao-ambiental-em-larga-escala-por-bisfenola-estamos-conscientes-do-risco-e-formas-de-exposicao/17074?id=17074&id=17074