0027/2022 - Contextual influence on poor self-rated health in patients with Chagas disease: Multilevel study Influência contextual na pior autopercepção em saúde de portadores de Doença de Chagas: Estudo multinível
A Doença de Chagas (DC) é reconhecida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma das treze doenças tropicais mais negligenciadas do mundo. A autopercepção de saúde é considerada um melhor preditor de mortalidade do que medidas objetivas do estado de saúde, e o contexto em que se vive influencia esse preditor. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência e os fatores individuais e contextuais associados à pior autopercepção em saúde de pacientes com DC de uma região endêmica do Brasil. É um estudo transversal multinível. Os dados individuais vêm de um corte transversal de um estudo de coorte denominado SaMi-Trop. Os dados contextuais foram coletados a partir de plataformas e sistemas de informações institucionais acessíveis ao público. A variável dependente foi a autopercepção de saúde. A análise foi realizada por meio de regressão logística binária multinível. Participaram do estudo 1.513 pacientes com DC, sendo 335 (22,1%) com pior autopercepção de saúde. Este estudo revelou a influência da organização / oferta do serviço público de saúde brasileiro e de características individuais na autopercepção de saúde de pacientes com DC.
Doença de Chagas; Autoavaliação da saúde; Nível de Saúde; Estudos Epidemiológicos; Análise Multinível.
Chagas disease (CD) is recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the thirteen most neglected tropical diseases in the world. Self-perceived health is considered a better predictor of mortality than objective measures of health status, and the context in which one lives influences this predictor. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and individual and contextual factors associated with poor self-rated health among CD patients from an endemic region in Brazil. It is a multilevel cross-sectional study. The individual data come from a cross-section of a cohort study named SaMi-Trop. Contextual data was collected from publicly accessible institutional information systems and platforms. The dependent variable was self-perceived health. The analysis was performed using multilevel binary logistic regression. The study included 1,513 patients with CD, where 335 (22.1%) had Poor self-rated health. This study revealed the influence of the organization/offer of the Brazilian public health service and of individual characteristics on the self-perceived health of patients with CD.
Chagas Disease; Self-rated health; Health Status; Epidemiologic Studies; Multilevel Analysis
Influência contextual na pior autopercepção em saúde de portadores de Doença de Chagas: Estudo multinível
Resumo (abstract):
Chagas disease (CD) is recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the thirteen most neglected tropical diseases in the world. Self-perceived health is considered a better predictor of mortality than objective measures of health status, and the context in which one lives influences this predictor. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and individual and contextual factors associated with poor self-rated health among CD patients from an endemic region in Brazil. It is a multilevel cross-sectional study. The individual data come from a cross-section of a cohort study named SaMi-Trop. Contextual data was collected from publicly accessible institutional information systems and platforms. The dependent variable was self-perceived health. The analysis was performed using multilevel binary logistic regression. The study included 1,513 patients with CD, where 335 (22.1%) had Poor self-rated health. This study revealed the influence of the organization/offer of the Brazilian public health service and of individual characteristics on the self-perceived health of patients with CD.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Chagas Disease; Self-rated health; Health Status; Epidemiologic Studies; Multilevel Analysis
Ferreira, A. M., Sabino, E. C., Oliveira-da Silva, L. C., Oliveira, C. D. L., Cardoso, C.S., Ribeiro, A. L. P., Damasceno, R. F., Leite, S. F., Vieira, T. M., Nunes, M. do C. P., Haikal, D. S.. Contextual influence on poor self-rated health in patients with Chagas disease: Multilevel study. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/mar). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/contextual-influence-on-poor-selfrated-health-in-patients-with-chagas-disease-multilevel-study/18283?id=18283