0200/2024 - Crescimento físico no primeiro ano de vida de crianças Terena residentes em área urbana: um estudo longitudinal Crescimento físico de crianças indígenas Terena Physical growth in the first year of life of Terena indigenous children living in urban zone: longitudinal study Physical growth of Terena indigenous children
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o estado nutricional antropométrico e o crescimento físico de crianças Terena residentes na área urbana de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, no primeiro ano de vida. Participaram do estudo crianças nascidas de junho de 2017 a julho de 2018 (n=42). A coleta de dados ocorreu em visitas domiciliares no 1º, 6º e 12º meses de vida da criança. As curvas de crescimento foram construídas por modelos aditivos generalizados misto. Aos 12 meses 4,8% das crianças apresentaram baixa E/I. Segundo o índice de massa corporal para idade, o sobrepeso atingiu 15,0% das meninas aos 12 meses e a obesidade 4,8% dos meninos e meninas nesta idade. A curva de comprimento das crianças Terena não alcançou a mediana da população de referência. A curva de peso e índice da massa corporal para idade, especialmente entre as meninas, seguiram, em geral, uma trajetória superior à mediana de referência. As curvas de crescimento Terena registram um crescimento linear médio inferior ao esperado e um ganho de peso superior ao da mediana de referência. Este perfil é compatível com a persistência de condições desfavoráveis ao crescimento e à nutrição infantis e com um acelerado processo de transição alimentar e nutricional, onde a dimensão racial das iniquidades em saúde não pode ser desconsiderada.
Povos indígenas; Antropometria; Criança.
The aim of the present study is to assess the anthropometric nutrition status and physical growth of Terena children living in the urban zone of Campo Grande City, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in their first year of life. Children who were born between June 2017 and July 2018 (n=42) participated in the study. Data collection was carried out during home visits, when participants were in the 1st, 6th and 12th month of life. In total, 4.8% of children presented stunting at the 12th month of life. According to body mass index for age, overweight affected 15.0% of individuals belonging to the female sex at the age of 12 months, and obesity was observed in 4.8% of individuals belonging to both sexes, at this same age. Terena children’s lenght curve did not reach the median value recorded for the reference population. Weight and body mass index curves for age, mainly among individuals belonging to the female sex, were often above the reference median value. The Terena growth curves record an average linear growth lower than expected and a weight gain higher than the reference median. This profile is compatible with the persistence of unfavorable conditions for children\'s growth and nutrition and with an accelerated process of food and nutritional transition, the racial dimension of health inequities cannot be disregarded.
Physical growth in the first year of life of Terena indigenous children living in urban zone: longitudinal study Physical growth of Terena indigenous children
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the present study is to assess the anthropometric nutrition status and physical growth of Terena children living in the urban zone of Campo Grande City, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in their first year of life. Children who were born between June 2017 and July 2018 (n=42) participated in the study. Data collection was carried out during home visits, when participants were in the 1st, 6th and 12th month of life. In total, 4.8% of children presented stunting at the 12th month of life. According to body mass index for age, overweight affected 15.0% of individuals belonging to the female sex at the age of 12 months, and obesity was observed in 4.8% of individuals belonging to both sexes, at this same age. Terena children’s lenght curve did not reach the median value recorded for the reference population. Weight and body mass index curves for age, mainly among individuals belonging to the female sex, were often above the reference median value. The Terena growth curves record an average linear growth lower than expected and a weight gain higher than the reference median. This profile is compatible with the persistence of unfavorable conditions for children\'s growth and nutrition and with an accelerated process of food and nutritional transition, the racial dimension of health inequities cannot be disregarded.
Bresan, D., Leite, M. S., Ferreira, A. A., Cury, E. R. J.. Crescimento físico no primeiro ano de vida de crianças Terena residentes em área urbana: um estudo longitudinal Crescimento físico de crianças indígenas Terena. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/mai). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/crescimento-fisico-no-primeiro-ano-de-vida-de-criancas-terena-residentes-em-area-urbana-um-estudo-longitudinal-crescimento-fisico-de-criancas-indigenas-terena/19248?id=19248