0066/2024 - Cuidados no final de vida e luto: estudo com familiares de vítimas da COVID-19 End-of-life care and grief: study with family members of COVID-19 victims
Objetivo: investigar implicações do luto em familiares de vítimas da COVID-19; verificar a prevalência de sintomas de luto prolongado; identificar expectativas dos familiares acerca do cuidado em fim de vida de seus entes acometidos por COVID-19. Me?todo: pesquisa descritiva, transversal, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Coleta de dados mediante questiona?rio on-line, norteado pelo instrumento PG-13. Aplicou-se estati?stica descritiva e inferencial. Os resultados foram apresentados de forma descritiva e com auxi?lio de tabelas. Resultados: amostra de 142 familiares, maioria do sexo feminino, que apresentaram implicac?o?es emocionais, fi?sicas, sociais e financeiras em decorre?ncia do luto. Houve prevale?ncia de sintomas de luto prolongado em 11,4% dos enlutados com mais de seis meses e 29.6% dos que tinham menos de seis meses. Foram identificadas tre?s categorias tema?ticas: transpare?ncia na comunicac?a?o da situac?a?o de sau?de, acesso a momentos de despedida e promoc?a?o de conforto nas ac?o?es de cuidado. Conclusa?o: os sintomas de Transtorno de Luto Prolongado possuem associação significativa com o grau de parentesco. Nos cuidados finais as expectativas dos familiares foram classificadas em: permissão para despedida digna, comunicac?a?o efetiva e promoc?a?o de conforto e cuidado.
Luto; COVID-19; Cuidados Paliativos; Enfermagem; Comunicac?a?o em Sau?de
Objective: to investigate the implications of grief in family members of COVID-19 victims; verify the prevalence of prolonged grief symptoms; identify family members’ expectations regarding end-of-life care for their loved ones affected by COVID-19. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach. Data collection using an online questionnaire, guided by the PG-13 instrument. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. The results were presented descriptively and with the aid of tables. Results: sample of 142 family members, most of them female, who presented emotional, physical, social and financial implications as a result of grief. There was a prevalence of prolonged grief symptoms in 11.4% of mourners with more than six months and 29.6% of those with less than six months. Three thematic categories were identified: transparency in communicating the health situation, access to moments of farewell and promotion of comfort in care actions. Conclusion: the symptoms of Prolonged Grief Disorder have a significant association with the degree of kinship. In final care, family members\' expectations were classified as: permission for a dignified farewell, effective communication and promotion of comfort and care.
Bereavement; COVID-19; Palliative Care; Nursing; Health Communication; Nursing Care
End-of-life care and grief: study with family members of COVID-19 victims
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: to investigate the implications of grief in family members of COVID-19 victims; verify the prevalence of prolonged grief symptoms; identify family members’ expectations regarding end-of-life care for their loved ones affected by COVID-19. Method: descriptive, cross-sectional research, with a quantitative-qualitative approach. Data collection using an online questionnaire, guided by the PG-13 instrument. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. The results were presented descriptively and with the aid of tables. Results: sample of 142 family members, most of them female, who presented emotional, physical, social and financial implications as a result of grief. There was a prevalence of prolonged grief symptoms in 11.4% of mourners with more than six months and 29.6% of those with less than six months. Three thematic categories were identified: transparency in communicating the health situation, access to moments of farewell and promotion of comfort in care actions. Conclusion: the symptoms of Prolonged Grief Disorder have a significant association with the degree of kinship. In final care, family members\' expectations were classified as: permission for a dignified farewell, effective communication and promotion of comfort and care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Bereavement; COVID-19; Palliative Care; Nursing; Health Communication; Nursing Care
Lucena, P. L. C, Lordão, A. V., Alves, A. M. P. M., Batista, P. S. S., Agra, G., Costa, S. F. G.. Cuidados no final de vida e luto: estudo com familiares de vítimas da COVID-19. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/mar). [Citado em 09/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/cuidados-no-final-de-vida-e-luto-estudo-com-familiares-de-vitimas-da-covid19/19114?id=19114