• José Gonçalves Ângelo Bós - Bós, Ângelo José Gonçalves - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) - <angelo.bos@pucrs.br>
Área Temática:
Saúde do Idoso
Quedas e fraturas em pessoas idosas representam um problema relevante de saúde pública. Ambas vêm associadas a elevados índices de morbimortalidade, redução da capacidade funcional, institucionalização do idoso e óbito precoce. O objetivo deste foi investigar quedas e fraturas em idosos, residentes em municípios da região metropolitana e serra gaúcha do Estado, analisando fatores associados, sazonalidade e gravidade. Trata-se de estudo transversal, retrospectivo, descritivo-analítico, quantitativo, com dados secundários, em idosos atendidos por queda entre primeiro de Janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2010, em unidades de Atendimento de Urgência e Emergência do SUS. A amostra foi de 6.556 idosos atendidos por queda, dos quais 71% eram mulheres, 26,8% dos atendimentos ocorreram no inverno, 30% dos que caíram fraturaram, sendo 32% em mulheres contra 28% em homens (p<0,0001). O local da queda foi registrado somente em 17,2% dos boletins, sendo 58% fora do domicilio. O inverno foi a estação do ano com 34% de fraturas confirmadas (p=0,0002), sendo com gravidade severa (26,3%). A maioria das quedas e suas conseqüências podem ser prevenidas e evitadas, urge criar programas e ações multifatoriais de intervenção.
Fraturas Ósseas
Fatores de risco associados
Gravidade da queda
Saúde do idoso
Falls and fractures in the elderly represent a significant public health problem, associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality, reduction of functional capacity, institutionalization of elderly and early death. To investigate falls and fractures in the older adult residing in the metropolitan and mountains region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), analyzing factors associated, seasonality and severity thereof. The study has a cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive, analytical and quantitative design using secondary data, in Public Health Urgent and Emergency Care Services older adult patients admitted by fall from January 1st to December 31st of 2010. Data were collected from health care bulletins archived at each medical records department. The total number of bulletins from older adult patients admitted for falling was 6556, 71% were women, 26.8% of visits occurred in winter, 30% of them fractured, 32% in women (p<0.0001) In 17.2% records the fall site was recorded, and 58% outside . Winter was the season with 34% of confirmed fractures (p=0.0002) and had more severe outcomes (26.3%). Most falls and their consequences can be prevented and avoided. It is urgent to implement programs and actions multifactorial intervention.
Bones Fractures
Associated risk factors
Falls severity
Health of the older adult
Seasonal Differences in Falls and Fractures in Southern Brazilian Older Adults
Resumo (abstract):
Falls and fractures in the elderly represent a significant public health problem, associated with higher rates of morbidity and mortality, reduction of functional capacity, institutionalization of elderly and early death. To investigate falls and fractures in the older adult residing in the metropolitan and mountains region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), analyzing factors associated, seasonality and severity thereof. The study has a cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive, analytical and quantitative design using secondary data, in Public Health Urgent and Emergency Care Services older adult patients admitted by fall from January 1st to December 31st of 2010. Data were collected from health care bulletins archived at each medical records department. The total number of bulletins from older adult patients admitted for falling was 6556, 71% were women, 26.8% of visits occurred in winter, 30% of them fractured, 32% in women (p<0.0001) In 17.2% records the fall site was recorded, and 58% outside . Winter was the season with 34% of confirmed fractures (p=0.0002) and had more severe outcomes (26.3%). Most falls and their consequences can be prevented and avoided. It is urgent to implement programs and actions multifactorial intervention.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Bones Fractures
Associated risk factors
Falls severity
Health of the older adult
Caberlon, Iride Cristofoli, Bós, Ângelo José Gonçalves. Diferenças Sazonais de Quedas e Fraturas em Idosos Gaúchos. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/diferencas-sazonais-de-quedas-e-fraturas-em-idosos-gauchos/15133?id=15133