0311/2009 - Diseño, y aplicación de un Programa de Comunicación de Riesgos para la salud ambiental infantil en un sitio contaminado con plomo y arsénico “Designing and application of a Risk Communication Program for children environmental health on a lead and arsenic contaminated location”.
• Ana Cristina Cubillas Tejeda - Cubillas-Tejeda A.C. - San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosi - Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí - <acris@uaslp.mx>
Área Temática:
Saúde e Ambiente
Resumen: Una industria metalúrgica en la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, México ha contaminado el sitio con plomo (Pb) y arsénico (As) principalmente. Desde 1989 se han reportado por nuestro grupo altas concentraciones de Pb en sangre (PbS) y As en orina (AsO) en los niños del lugar. En el presente estudio se generó un Programa de Comunicación Riesgos (PCR) para informar a los niños sobre los riesgos ambientales del sitio donde viven y que cambiaran conductas para disminuir la exposición al Pb y al As. Se trabajó con 170 niños (5 a 7 años) de la zona. Se aplicó el PCR y se realizó la evaluación mediante análisis de dibujos, cuestionarios y monitoreo biológico. En los dibujos de los niños se encontraron elementos tóxicos tales como el Pb, la tierra contaminada, entre otros. En los cuestionarios aplicados a los niños y a los padres de familia se pudo apreciar un cambio en los conocimientos y en algunas conductas respecto a los contaminantes, sus efectos y su exposición. No se encontró una disminución en los niveles de PbS ni de AsO. Esto quizás porque la principal ruta de exposición no es únicamente el suelo, como se había contemplado anteriormente.
Salud ambiental
Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales
Comunicación de Riesgos
Abstract: A metallurgical industry in San Luis Potosí city, México, has contaminated the zone by lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). Since 1989 were reported by our group high concentrations of Pb in blood (PbB) and As in urine (AsU) in the local children. In present work, a Risk Communication Program (RCP) was generated to inform the children about the environmental risks of the site where they live, and to change conducts to diminish the exposure to Pb and As. We worked with 170 children (5 to 7 years) of the zone. The RCP was applied and the evaluation was realized by means of analysis of drawings, questionnaires and biological monitoring. In drawings of the children appeared toxic elements such as Pb, contaminated soil, cigarettes, among others. In the questionnaires applied to the children and family parents it was possible to estimate a change in the knowledge and in some conducts with regard to the pollutants, their effects and their exposure. There was not a decrease in the levels of PbB and in the levels of AsU. These were due probably because the principal route of exposure is not only the soil that had been contemplated previously.
Environmental Health
Exposure to Environmental Risks
Risks Communication
“Designing and application of a Risk Communication Program for children environmental health on a lead and arsenic contaminated location”.
Resumo (abstract):
Abstract: A metallurgical industry in San Luis Potosí city, México, has contaminated the zone by lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). Since 1989 were reported by our group high concentrations of Pb in blood (PbB) and As in urine (AsU) in the local children. In present work, a Risk Communication Program (RCP) was generated to inform the children about the environmental risks of the site where they live, and to change conducts to diminish the exposure to Pb and As. We worked with 170 children (5 to 7 years) of the zone. The RCP was applied and the evaluation was realized by means of analysis of drawings, questionnaires and biological monitoring. In drawings of the children appeared toxic elements such as Pb, contaminated soil, cigarettes, among others. In the questionnaires applied to the children and family parents it was possible to estimate a change in the knowledge and in some conducts with regard to the pollutants, their effects and their exposure. There was not a decrease in the levels of PbB and in the levels of AsU. These were due probably because the principal route of exposure is not only the soil that had been contemplated previously.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Environmental Health
Exposure to Environmental Risks
Risks Communication
Cubillas-Tejeda A.C.. Diseño, y aplicación de un Programa de Comunicación de Riesgos para la salud ambiental infantil en un sitio contaminado con plomo y arsénico. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2009/ago). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/diseno-y-aplicacion-de-un-programa-de-comunicacion-de-riesgos-para-la-salud-ambiental-infantil-en-un-sitio-contaminado-con-plomo-y-arsenico/4319?id=4319