0143/2024 - Ditadura, Saúde e Propaganda: O Programa Nacional de Imunização (PNI) e a campanha midiática de vacinação obrigatória Dictatorship, Health and Propaganda: The National Immunization Program (PNI) and the media campaign for compulsory vaccination
Este artigo analisa os filmes produzidos e veiculados, entre 1976 e 1978, pela Agência Nacional e pela Assessoria de Relações Públicas (ARP) para a campanha de divulgação da vacinação obrigatória que foi instituída pelo Plano Nacional de Imunizações (PNI), criado em 1975, e regulamentado pelo Decreto nº 78.231, de 12 de agosto de 1976. O objetivo é compreender a narrativa construída através de imagens e discursos visando tornar a vacina uma prática culturalmente aceita. Para isso, recorre-se à legislação que versa sobre o tema no período analisado, qual seja na ditadura civil-militar. O regime ditatorial é abordado a partir dos aspectos conceituais que orientam as análises sobre a apropriação das campanhas de saúde como propaganda e dos investimentos em um modelo de saúde privada e curativista. Conclui-se, assim, que a iniciativa de criação do PNI trata-se de um hiato nesse processo de privatização da saúde, já que não é uma ação orientada pela responsabilidade da ditadura para com a saúde da população, mas sim, uma ação que envolveu a gerência de múltiplos atores do campo da saúde, e que foi encampada pelo regime por se tratar de um processo diretamente atrelado a interesses ligados ao projeto de modernização conservadora do país.
This article analyzes the films produced and broadcast between 1976 and 1978 by the National Agency and the Public Relations Office (ARP) for the campaign to publicize the mandatory vaccination that was instituted by the National Immunization Plan (PNI), created in 1975 and regulated by Decree number 78.231 of august 12, 1976. The aim is to understand the narrative constructed through images and speeches aimed at convincing the population to make vaccination a culturally accepted practice. To do this, we turn to the legislation on the subject during the period under analysis, the civil-military dictatorship. The dictatorial regime is approachedthe conceptual aspects that guide the analysis of the appropriation of health campaigns as propaganda and investments in a private and curative health model. We can therefore conclude that the initiative to create the PNI is a hiatus in this process of privatizing health, since it is not an action guided by the dictatorship\'s responsibility for the health of the population, but rather an action that involved the management of multiple actors in the health field, and which was embraced by the regime because it was a process directly linked to interests connected to the country\'s conservative modernization project.
Dictatorship; Compulsory vaccination; Health; Media campaign
Dictatorship, Health and Propaganda: The National Immunization Program (PNI) and the media campaign for compulsory vaccination
Resumo (abstract):
This article analyzes the films produced and broadcast between 1976 and 1978 by the National Agency and the Public Relations Office (ARP) for the campaign to publicize the mandatory vaccination that was instituted by the National Immunization Plan (PNI), created in 1975 and regulated by Decree number 78.231 of august 12, 1976. The aim is to understand the narrative constructed through images and speeches aimed at convincing the population to make vaccination a culturally accepted practice. To do this, we turn to the legislation on the subject during the period under analysis, the civil-military dictatorship. The dictatorial regime is approachedthe conceptual aspects that guide the analysis of the appropriation of health campaigns as propaganda and investments in a private and curative health model. We can therefore conclude that the initiative to create the PNI is a hiatus in this process of privatizing health, since it is not an action guided by the dictatorship\'s responsibility for the health of the population, but rather an action that involved the management of multiple actors in the health field, and which was embraced by the regime because it was a process directly linked to interests connected to the country\'s conservative modernization project.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Dictatorship; Compulsory vaccination; Health; Media campaign
Carvalho, K. A.. Ditadura, Saúde e Propaganda: O Programa Nacional de Imunização (PNI) e a campanha midiática de vacinação obrigatória. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/abr). [Citado em 07/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/ditadura-saude-e-propaganda-o-programa-nacional-de-imunizacao-pni-e-a-campanha-midiatica-de-vacinacao-obrigatoria/19191?id=19191&id=19191