Este artigo reflete sobre a compreensão dos profissionais que atuam na Estratégia Saúde da Família acerca das intersecções entre relações raciais e saúde. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais que compõem as equipes de saúde da família em um município de Pernambuco, cujos dados foram analisados à luz das discussões que se debruçam sobre a temática racial. Os resultados apontam para as divergências entre os modelos de saúde presentes no cotidiano, para a invisibilidade da raça/cor na formação e atuação profissional e a branquitude como elemento estruturante das relações raciais. O estudo reafirma a necessidade do campo da saúde coletiva se debruçar sobre a intersecção entre o quesito raça/cor e as relações de cuidado em saúde, bem como o investimento na formação dos profissionais, que inclua a temática racial.
This paper reflects on the primary health care workers’ understanding of the intersections between racial relations and health. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals in theState of Pernambuco, Brazil.. The data were analyzed in light of the discussions with focus on the racial theme. The results point to divergences between different health models, to the invisibility of race/color in training and in professional performances, and to whiteness as a structuring element of race relations. The study reaffirms the need of the public health field to focus on the intersection between the issue race/color and health care relationships and invest in the training of professionals regarding race discussions.
Racism, whiteness, health, primary care service, equity of treatment.
This paper reflects on the primary health care workers’ understanding of the intersections between racial relations and health. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals in theState of Pernambuco, Brazil.. The data were analyzed in light of the discussions with focus on the racial theme. The results point to divergences between different health models, to the invisibility of race/color in training and in professional performances, and to whiteness as a structuring element of race relations. The study reaffirms the need of the public health field to focus on the intersection between the issue race/color and health care relationships and invest in the training of professionals regarding race discussions.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Racism, whiteness, health, primary care service, equity of treatment.
Lima, T., Oliveira, V.B. Do mesmo jeito que existe cachorro branco e preto. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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