2110/2012 - Dor de dente e condições socioeconômicas entre adolescentes no Nordeste brasileiro - REAPRESENTAÇÃO Toothache and socioeconomic conditions among adolescents in Northeastern Brazil.
O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar dor de dente com condição socioeconômica, acesso aos serviços de saúde bucal e estilo de vida em adolescentes do município de Sobral – Ceará, desenvolvido com delineamento transversal analítico, com amostra composta por 688 indivíduos. A prevalência de dor de dente no grupo pesquisado foi de 31,8% (IC95%=28,3 – 35,3). Para avaliar a relação entre as variáveis independentes e a dor de dente, realizou-se teste de associação pelo qui-quadrado, estimando-se a razão de prevalências por meio da regressão de Poisson. Os fatores que mais demonstraram relação com a dor de dente foram severidade da cárie, motivo do atendimento odontológico relacionado com urgência, frequência ao dentista e recebimento de escova na escola. Observou-se que a alta prevalência de dor de dente em adolescentes está diretamente relacionada às condições de acesso, assim como às características das ações desenvolvidas pelos serviços de saúde. Ao mesmo tempo em que há necessidade da implantação de serviços vinculados à promoção de saúde, pautados pela equidade e integralidade, é necessária a implantação de serviços de urgência que não simplesmente intervenham na dor de forma mutiladora, mas a encarem como mecanismo de estímulo ao desenvolvimento de procedimentos de prevenção das doenças bucais.
Cárie Dentária
Condições Sociais
Serviços de Saúde Bucal
The scope of this study was to correlate toothache with socioeconomic conditions, access to oral health facilities and lifestyle of adolescents in Sobral, Ceará, featured as cross-sectional analytical study, with sample composed of 688 adolescents. The prevalence of toothache in the study group was 31.8% (CI 95% = 28.3 – 35.3). A chi-squared test of association was performed to measure the relationship between independent variables and toothache, estimating the prevalence ratio by Poisson regression. Factors demonstrated the closest relationship with toothache were cavity severity, the reason for dental treatment being related to urgency, dental attendance and receiving toothbrushes at school. It was observed that the high prevalence of dental pain in adolescents is directly linked to the access conditions, as well the features of the actions developed by the health services. While there is need for the deployment of services related to health promotion, guided by equity and integrality, it is necessary to introduce emergency services to intervene not just in pain so crippling, but it is seen as a mechanism to stimulate the development procedures for the prevention of oral diseases.
Dental Caries
Social Conditions
Dental Health Services
Toothache and socioeconomic conditions among adolescents in Northeastern Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
The scope of this study was to correlate toothache with socioeconomic conditions, access to oral health facilities and lifestyle of adolescents in Sobral, Ceará, featured as cross-sectional analytical study, with sample composed of 688 adolescents. The prevalence of toothache in the study group was 31.8% (CI 95% = 28.3 – 35.3). A chi-squared test of association was performed to measure the relationship between independent variables and toothache, estimating the prevalence ratio by Poisson regression. Factors demonstrated the closest relationship with toothache were cavity severity, the reason for dental treatment being related to urgency, dental attendance and receiving toothbrushes at school. It was observed that the high prevalence of dental pain in adolescents is directly linked to the access conditions, as well the features of the actions developed by the health services. While there is need for the deployment of services related to health promotion, guided by equity and integrality, it is necessary to introduce emergency services to intervene not just in pain so crippling, but it is seen as a mechanism to stimulate the development procedures for the prevention of oral diseases.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Dental Caries
Social Conditions
Dental Health Services
Noro, L.R.A., Roncalli, A.G., Mendes Jr, F.I.R., Lima, K.C., Teixeira, AKM. Dor de dente e condições socioeconômicas entre adolescentes no Nordeste brasileiro - REAPRESENTAÇÃO. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/dor-de-dente-e-condicoes-socioeconomicas-entre-adolescentes-no-nordeste-brasileiro-reapresentacao/11775?id=11775