0372/2017 - Effect of implementation of a University Restaurant on the diet of students in a Brazilian public university. Efeito da implementação do Restaurante Universitário na alimentação de estudantes de uma universidade pública brasileira.
Práticas alimentares de universitários foram comparadas antes e após implementação do Restaurante Universitário (RU) e examinadas segundo a assiduidade ao RU. Experimento natural foi conduzido com estudantes (n=1131) de uma universidade pública utilizando questionário validado autopreenchido e identificado que abarcou as práticas de substituir o almoço e/ou jantar por lanche (?5dias/semana) e o consumo regular de alimentos marcadores de alimentação saudável e não saudável. No segundo momento, foi examinada a adesão dos estudantes ao RU por meio de sua assiduidade a ele. A variação das práticas alimentares foi examinada pela diferença entre proporções obtidas nos dois momentos de avaliação. A análise da associação entre a assiduidade ao RU e cada uma das práticas alimentares regulares foi feita por meio de modelos de regressão logística múltipla. Observou-se associação entre maior assiduidade ao RU e maior frequência de consumo regular de feijão, hortaliças, hortaliças cruas, hortaliças cozidas e frutas e menor frequência de consumo regular de batata frita e/ou salgados fritos. A implementação do RU se constituiu como um espaço facilitador da adoção de práticas alimentares saudáveis e promoveu a melhoria da alimentação dos estudantes com maior assiduidade a ele.
Consumo de alimentos. Hábitos alimentares. Universidades. Alimentação Coletiva.
Dietary practices of college students were compared before and after implementation of the University Restaurant (UR) and examined according to frequency of UR use. A natural experiment was conducted with students (n=1131) of a Brazilian public university using a validated self-completed and identified questionnaire that inquired information on practices of substituting lunch and/or dinner with a snack (≥ 5 days/week) and on regular consumption of foods that were markers of a healthy or unhealthy diet. At the second time point, UR use by students was also assessed based on their attendance to it. Changes in food practices were examined by determining differences in proportions between the two assessments. The analysis of the association between UR use and each dietary practice was carried out using multiple logistic regression models. An association was observed between greater UR use and higher frequency of regular consumption of beans, vegetables, raw vegetables, cooked vegetables and fruit and lower frequency of regular consumption of French fries and/or fried snacks. The UR proved to be an environment that facilitated the adoption of healthy dietary practices and promoted improvement in the diets of the students who were more assiduous to the restaurant.
Efeito da implementação do Restaurante Universitário na alimentação de estudantes de uma universidade pública brasileira.
Resumo (abstract):
Dietary practices of college students were compared before and after implementation of the University Restaurant (UR) and examined according to frequency of UR use. A natural experiment was conducted with students (n=1131) of a Brazilian public university using a validated self-completed and identified questionnaire that inquired information on practices of substituting lunch and/or dinner with a snack (≥ 5 days/week) and on regular consumption of foods that were markers of a healthy or unhealthy diet. At the second time point, UR use by students was also assessed based on their attendance to it. Changes in food practices were examined by determining differences in proportions between the two assessments. The analysis of the association between UR use and each dietary practice was carried out using multiple logistic regression models. An association was observed between greater UR use and higher frequency of regular consumption of beans, vegetables, raw vegetables, cooked vegetables and fruit and lower frequency of regular consumption of French fries and/or fried snacks. The UR proved to be an environment that facilitated the adoption of healthy dietary practices and promoted improvement in the diets of the students who were more assiduous to the restaurant.
Perez, Patrícia Maria Périco, Castro, Inês, Canella, D. S., Franco, Amanda . Effect of implementation of a University Restaurant on the diet of students in a Brazilian public university.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/effect-of-implementation-of-a-university-restaurant-on-the-diet-of-students-in-a-brazilian-public-university/16424?id=16424