0312/2018 - Entre o suporte e o controle: A articulação intersetorial de redes de serviços . Between the support and the control: Intersectorial articulation of services network.
Redes sociais, especificamente de articulação entre serviços das políticas sociais, são incentivadas como forma de aumento da efetividade das ações, podendo promover maior suporte social, devendo ser implementadas pela gestão pública. Contudo, elas podem também produzir controle da vida dos pobres. Objetivou-se mapear as redes sociais em Campinas, SP e investigar a estratégia de articulação entre os serviços das políticas de assistência social, educação e saúde como possível instrumento de suporte social. Para tanto, foram entrevistados 13 dos 15 coordenadores distritais das políticas sociais, aplicado questionários com terapeutas ocupacionais, com a colaboração de 47,2% (n=17) das profissionais da cidade e realizada observação de duas redes por quatro meses. Foram mapeadas 78 redes, com predominância no setor da saúde. Foram discutidas as categorias: O que é rede? Quem realiza as ações em rede? Quais as atribuições da rede? Suporte social ou controle? Conclui-se que há um distanciamento entre discurso e prática. Por um lado, há consenso em torno da necessidade das redes, por outro não se possibilita mudanças institucionais para sua efetivação, além desua função parecer ser ambivalente: buscam garantir suporte, mas sãotambém dispositivos de controle.
Política Pública; Rede Social; Colaboração Intersetorial.
Social networks, especially those articulating services of social policies, are responsible for encouraging the increase of effectiveness of those actions, being able to promote social support to the population and they must be performed by public administration.Nonetheless, they can also produce control over the poor lives. The aim was to map social networks in Campinas, SP, Brazil, and investigate the strategy behind intersectional articulation among social services, education and health as a tool of social support. For that, 13 of 15 district coordinators of social policies were interviewed, questionnaires were applied to occupational therapists, with 47,2% (n=17),and two networks were observed during 4 months. Seventy eight networks were mapped, with preponderance of health sector. These subsequent categories were discussed: What is a network? Who is responsible for the actions in network? Which are the network attributions? Social support or control? It was possible to apprehend there is a gap between discourse and practical. The need of network is a consensus, however the possibilities of institutional changes, demanded for effectuating those networks, aren’t given. Likewise, the network has an ambivalent function: it can assure support, but also can be a surveillance device.
Public Policy; Social Networking; Intersectoral Collaboration.
Between the support and the control: Intersectorial articulation of services network.
Resumo (abstract):
Social networks, especially those articulating services of social policies, are responsible for encouraging the increase of effectiveness of those actions, being able to promote social support to the population and they must be performed by public administration.Nonetheless, they can also produce control over the poor lives. The aim was to map social networks in Campinas, SP, Brazil, and investigate the strategy behind intersectional articulation among social services, education and health as a tool of social support. For that, 13 of 15 district coordinators of social policies were interviewed, questionnaires were applied to occupational therapists, with 47,2% (n=17),and two networks were observed during 4 months. Seventy eight networks were mapped, with preponderance of health sector. These subsequent categories were discussed: What is a network? Who is responsible for the actions in network? Which are the network attributions? Social support or control? It was possible to apprehend there is a gap between discourse and practical. The need of network is a consensus, however the possibilities of institutional changes, demanded for effectuating those networks, aren’t given. Likewise, the network has an ambivalent function: it can assure support, but also can be a surveillance device.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Public Policy; Social Networking; Intersectoral Collaboration.
Avelar, MR, Malfitano, APS. Entre o suporte e o controle: A articulação intersetorial de redes de serviços .. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/entre-o-suporte-e-o-controle-a-articulacao-intersetorial-de-redes-de-servicos/16845?id=16845