0157/2019 - Envolvimento da pessoa com doença renal crônica em seus cuidados: Revisão integrativa. Involvement of the person with chronic kidney disease in their care: Integrative review.
A doença renal crônica (DRC) acarreta ao indivíduo uma sobrecarga de cuidados indispensáveis ao alcance das metas terapêuticas e qualidade de vida. O controle nutricional, o regime medicamentoso e as terapias de substituição renal são exemplos que requerem participação ativa. Assim, revisão integrativa de artigos científicos foi realizada para identificar os que versam sobre envolvimento e participação do paciente em seus cuidados na DRC. Os descritores “Chronic kidney disease”; “Self-Care” and “Patient Participation” foram aplicados nas bases CINHAL, Bireme e Medline. Selecionamos 21 publicações entre 2012 e 2016. A entrevista semi-estruturada destacou-se como método de coleta de dados, com a aplicação da análise temática fenomenológica. Conforme a predominância do assunto tratado, os manuscritos foram alocados em quatro eixos temáticos: Manejo da doença renal e seu tratamento; Envolvimento na tomada de decisão; Plano avançado de cuidados e Diálise peritoneal domiciliar. Verificamos que abordagens envolvendo pessoas transplantadas ou nos primeiros estágios da doença são pouco explorados com a aplicação do método qualitativo e ainda, pessoas com DRC devem ser instigadas no envolvimento ativo de seus próprios cuidados necessitando de conhecimento, motivação e suporte dos profissionais de saúde.
Doença Renal Crônica; Autocuidado; Participação do Paciente.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes the individual an overload of care essential to the achievement of therapeutic goals and quality of life. Nutritional control, drug regimen and renal replacement therapies are examples that require active participation. Thus, an integrative review of publications was carried out to identify articles on patient involvement and participation in their self-care in the DRC. The descriptors \"Chronic kidney disease\"; \"Self-Care\" and \"Patient Participation\" were applied to the CINHAL, Bireme and Medline databases. We ed 21 publications between 2012 and 2016. The semi-structured interview was highlighted as a method of data collection, with the application of the phenomenological thematic analysis. According to the predominance of the treated subject, the manuscripts were allocated in four thematic axes: Management of renal disease and its treatment; Involvement in decision making; Advanced plan of care and Peritoneal dialysis at home. We verified that approaches involving transplanted or early stages of the disease are poorly explored with the application of the qualitative method and people with CKD should be encouraged to actively engage in their own care, requiring the knowledge, motivation and support of health professionals.
Involvement of the person with chronic kidney disease in their care: Integrative review.
Resumo (abstract):
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes the individual an overload of care essential to the achievement of therapeutic goals and quality of life. Nutritional control, drug regimen and renal replacement therapies are examples that require active participation. Thus, an integrative review of publications was carried out to identify articles on patient involvement and participation in their self-care in the DRC. The descriptors \"Chronic kidney disease\"; \"Self-Care\" and \"Patient Participation\" were applied to the CINHAL, Bireme and Medline databases. We ed 21 publications between 2012 and 2016. The semi-structured interview was highlighted as a method of data collection, with the application of the phenomenological thematic analysis. According to the predominance of the treated subject, the manuscripts were allocated in four thematic axes: Management of renal disease and its treatment; Involvement in decision making; Advanced plan of care and Peritoneal dialysis at home. We verified that approaches involving transplanted or early stages of the disease are poorly explored with the application of the qualitative method and people with CKD should be encouraged to actively engage in their own care, requiring the knowledge, motivation and support of health professionals.
Almeida, O.A.E, Santos, W.S, Rehem, T.M.S.B, Medeiros, M.. Envolvimento da pessoa com doença renal crônica em seus cuidados: Revisão integrativa.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/envolvimento-da-pessoa-com-doenca-renal-cronica-em-seus-cuidados-revisao-integrativa/17231?id=17231