0292/2022 - Escala de Influência Psicossocial da ingesta de Frutas, Verduras e Legumes do Adolescente: Adaptação e Validade Fatorial Adolescents Psychosocial Influences of Fruits and Vegetables Intake Scale (PSY-FAVES): Adaptation and Factorial Validity
Instrumentos para avaliar determinantes psicossociais da ingestão de frutas, verduras e legumes (FLV) de adolescentes são escassos, e há um instrumento – sem nome e validação – que investiga estes determinantes oriundos de teori-as da psicologia social e direcionado à frequência de ingestão semanal de FLV de adolescentes. O objetivo foi apresentar o processo de adaptação e valida-ção fatorial deste instrumento para ser aplicado em estudos na população bra-sileira. Realizou-se equivalência conceitual e de itens; equivalência semântica por tradutores e especialistas e semântica e operacional por entrevistas dirigi-das com público-alvo. A versão final - denominada Escala de Influências Psi-cossociais da ingestão de Frutas, Verduras e Legumes de Adolescentes (PSI-FAVES) - foi testada com 429 estudantes (58% mulheres) utilizando confia-bilidade por ômega de McDonald (?) e Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) como métodos analíticos. A versão final demandou refinamento e o instru-mento apresentou confiabilidade total adequada (? = 0,86) e bom ajuste dos dados ao modelo previamente conjecturado (CFI = 0,955; TLI =0,951 e RMSEA (90% IC) = 0,043 (0,038-0,049), sendo o primeiro instrumento sis-tematicamente validado para investigar determinantes psicossociais da inges-tão de FLV de adolescentes.
Instruments to evaluate psychosocial determinants of fruit and vegetables´ (F&V) intake in adolescents are scarce and there is one instrument - unnamed and unvalidated - that investigates determinants derivedtheories of so-cial psychology targeting adolescents´ week frequency of F&V intake. Our aim was to present the process of cultural adaptation and factor validation of this instrument allowing its use in studies with Brazilian adolescents. Cross-cultural adaptation process was accomplished and the final version - named Psychosocial Influences for fruit and vegetable Eating Scale (PSI-FAVES) - was tested with 429 students (58% female) using McDonald\'s omega (ω) reli-ability and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as analytical methods. The final version required refinement and the instrument showed adequate overall reliability (ω = 0.86) and good fit of the data to the previously conjectured model (CFI = 0.955; TLI =0.951 and RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.043 (0.038-0.049), being the first systematically validated instrument to investigate psy-chosocial determinants of adolescents\' F&V intake.
Adolescents Psychosocial Influences of Fruits and Vegetables Intake Scale (PSY-FAVES): Adaptation and Factorial Validity
Resumo (abstract):
Instruments to evaluate psychosocial determinants of fruit and vegetables´ (F&V) intake in adolescents are scarce and there is one instrument - unnamed and unvalidated - that investigates determinants derivedtheories of so-cial psychology targeting adolescents´ week frequency of F&V intake. Our aim was to present the process of cultural adaptation and factor validation of this instrument allowing its use in studies with Brazilian adolescents. Cross-cultural adaptation process was accomplished and the final version - named Psychosocial Influences for fruit and vegetable Eating Scale (PSI-FAVES) - was tested with 429 students (58% female) using McDonald\'s omega (ω) reli-ability and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) as analytical methods. The final version required refinement and the instrument showed adequate overall reliability (ω = 0.86) and good fit of the data to the previously conjectured model (CFI = 0.955; TLI =0.951 and RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.043 (0.038-0.049), being the first systematically validated instrument to investigate psy-chosocial determinants of adolescents\' F&V intake.
Moraes, C.H.C., Alvarenga, M.S., Silva, W.R, Cyrillo, D.C.. Escala de Influência Psicossocial da ingesta de Frutas, Verduras e Legumes do Adolescente: Adaptação e Validade Fatorial. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/out). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/escala-de-influencia-psicossocial-da-ingesta-de-frutas-verduras-e-legumes-do-adolescente-adaptacao-e-validade-fatorial/18548?id=18548&id=18548