Este artigo contribui para conhecermos melhor as condições a que africanos estavam submetidos no imediato desembarque, estendendo o estudo para além do navio. Destaca a importância dos africanos orientais no sudeste brasileiro no início do século XIX, o que deve ser considerado para o aprofundamento da análise sobre reinvenções identitárias, doenças e práticas de cura. As dores dessas pessoas tiveram como pano de fundo os debates e negociações políticas em torno da proibição do tráfico atlântico e da independência do Brasil.
História das doenças, Africanos, Tráfico atlântico, Escravizados
This article contributes to a better understanding of the conditions to which Africans were subjected in the immediate disembarkation, extending the study beyond the ship. It highlights the importance of East Africans in southeastern Brazil at the beginning of the century, which should be considered for a deeper analysis of identity reinventions, diseases and healing practices. The pain of these people had as a scenery the debates and political negotiations around the prohibition of the Atlantic slave trade and the independence of Brazil.
History of disease, Africans, Atlantic slave trade, Enslaved people
“Astonishing Mortality”: Landings, Demographics and African Illnesses
Resumo (abstract):
This article contributes to a better understanding of the conditions to which Africans were subjected in the immediate disembarkation, extending the study beyond the ship. It highlights the importance of East Africans in southeastern Brazil at the beginning of the century, which should be considered for a deeper analysis of identity reinventions, diseases and healing practices. The pain of these people had as a scenery the debates and political negotiations around the prohibition of the Atlantic slave trade and the independence of Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
History of disease, Africans, Atlantic slave trade, Enslaved people
Pimenta, T. S., Gomes, F. dos S.. “Espantosa mortandade”: desembarques, demografias e enfermidades africanas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
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