0242/2023 - Estratégias dos serviços de atenção primária durante a pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil: uma revisão de escopo Primary health care strategies in Brazil during Covid-19 pandemics: scoping review
O estudo identificou e mapeou sistematicamente evidências sobre as estratégias desenvolvidas na Atenção Primária à Saúde durante a pandemia de Covid-19 no Brasil, além do levantamento de lacunas de pesquisa para apoiar a elaboração de futuras investigações. Revisão de escopo, conforme protocolo publicado. Os resultados foram analisados e discutidos à luz da Teoria do Processo de Trabalho em Saúde que agrupou as publicações em dois grandes domínios de estratégias (Gerenciais e Assistenciais), com três subdomínios cada (Criação, Adaptação e Manutenção). Dos 2665 registros, incluiu-se 49 elegíveis. Mapeou-se 226 intervenções (130 gerenciais; 96 assistenciais), as quais a maioria (n=187) estavam combinadas na mesma publicação. Em ambos domínios, as novas estratégias apareceram em maior número e as mantidas, em menor (gerenciais: criadas=96, adaptadas=31, mantidas=3; assistenciais: criadas=54; adaptadas=26; mantidas=16). A diversidade de intervenções explicitaram distintos modelos de atenção, que ora se aproximaram de um enfoque biologicista; ora da integralidade e da longitudinalidade baseada no cuidado centrado na pessoa, na família e na comunidade. Evidenciou-se, assim, que perduram os mesmos desafios anteriores ao período pandêmico.
COVID-19; Atenção primária à saúde; Revisão de escopo; Serviços de saúde; Brasil
This study aimed to systematically identify and map evidence on Primary Health Care strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil while also identifying research gaps for future investigations. The study followed a protocol and analyzed the results according to the Working Process in Health Theory. The study results were grouped into two major strategy types, Management and Assistance, which were further categorized into three domains: Creation, Adaptation, and Maintenance. Of the 2665 retrieved studies, 49 were eligible.A total of 226 interventions were mapped, with 130 interventions related to management and 96 to assistance. Most of the interventions (n=187) were presented as combined strategies.The study also found that new strategies were created more frequently, while the ones that were continued were fewer in number. Specifically, for managerial strategies, 96 were created, 31 were adapted, and only three were maintained. For assistance strategies, 54 were created, 26 were adapted, and 16 were maintained. The diversity of interventions suggested different care models that varieda biomedical approach to an approach focused on integrality and longitudinal care centered on the person, family, and community. However, the study also highlighted that the same challenges persisted before the pandemic.
COVID-19; Primary health care; Scoping review; Health Services; Brazil
Primary health care strategies in Brazil during Covid-19 pandemics: scoping review
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to systematically identify and map evidence on Primary Health Care strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil while also identifying research gaps for future investigations. The study followed a protocol and analyzed the results according to the Working Process in Health Theory. The study results were grouped into two major strategy types, Management and Assistance, which were further categorized into three domains: Creation, Adaptation, and Maintenance. Of the 2665 retrieved studies, 49 were eligible.A total of 226 interventions were mapped, with 130 interventions related to management and 96 to assistance. Most of the interventions (n=187) were presented as combined strategies.The study also found that new strategies were created more frequently, while the ones that were continued were fewer in number. Specifically, for managerial strategies, 96 were created, 31 were adapted, and only three were maintained. For assistance strategies, 54 were created, 26 were adapted, and 16 were maintained. The diversity of interventions suggested different care models that varieda biomedical approach to an approach focused on integrality and longitudinal care centered on the person, family, and community. However, the study also highlighted that the same challenges persisted before the pandemic.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
COVID-19; Primary health care; Scoping review; Health Services; Brazil
Bortoli, M.C, Sanine, P.R, Araújo, B.C, Oliveira, C.F, Costa, M.I.S, Tesser, T.R. Estratégias dos serviços de atenção primária durante a pandemia da Covid-19 no Brasil: uma revisão de escopo. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/estrategias-dos-servicos-de-atencao-primaria-durante-a-pandemia-da-covid19-no-brasil-uma-revisao-de-escopo/18868?id=18868