0262/2024 - Estratégias governamentais e comunitárias em Pernambuco para o enfrentamento da COVID-19 Government and community strategies in Pernambuco to face COVID-19
Este estudo de caso buscou analisar arranjos e estratégias da rede de atores no território do Distrito Sanitário Especial Indígena (DSEI) Pernambuco para a garantia do direito à saúde dos indígenas na pandemia da COVID-19. A pesquisa foi realizada através de análise documental, oficina de trabalho e pesquisa de campo. O Plano de Contingência para COVID-19 em Povos Indígenas do DSEI Pernambuco contemplou ações de vigilância, assistência laboratorial e farmacêutica, comunicação e gestão. Com a modelização deste documento, percebeu-se que não foram integradas ações voltadas para as especificidades locais: em seu desenho inicial, desde o nível nacional, lideranças indígenas não foram ouvidas para a adequação deste plano. Por outro lado, destaca-se a ação destas lideranças e sua mobilização para mitigar os efeitos da pandemia na população. Fatores contextuais foram citados como facilitadores e dificultadores da implementação do plano; e o mapeamento da rede sociotécnica local permitiu identificar atores e actantes estratégicos no enfrentamento da pandemia da COVID-19 e verificar a sua atuação ou inoperância. Os achados deste estudo refletem problemas recorrentes da organização do sistema de saúde indígena, sejam eles específicos desta região ou nacionais.
Povos Indígenas, COVID-19, Gestão em Saúde, Avaliação em saúde; Vigilância em Saúde Pública.
This case study analyzed arrangements and strategies of the network actors in the Special Indigenous Sanitary District (DSEI) Pernambuco’s territory to guarantee the right to health of indigenous in the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was carried out through document analysis, workshops and field research. The Contingency Plan for COVID-19 in Indigenous Peoples of DSEI Pernambuco included surveillance actions, laboratory and pharmaceutical assistance, communication and management. With the modeling of this document, it was noticed that actions aimed at local specificities were not integrated: in its initial design,the national level, indigenous leaders weren’t heard for the adequacy of this plan. On the other hand, the actions of these leaders and their mobilization to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the population stands out. Contextual factors were cited as facilitators and obstacles to the implementation of the plan; the local sociotechnical network mapping also made it possible to identify strategic actors and actants in face of the COVID-19 pandemic and verify their performance or ineffectiveness. The findings of this study reflect recurrent problems in the organization of the indigenous health system, whether specific to this region or national.
Indigenous Peoples, COVID-19, Health Management, Health Evaluation, Public Health Surveillance.
Government and community strategies in Pernambuco to face COVID-19
Resumo (abstract):
This case study analyzed arrangements and strategies of the network actors in the Special Indigenous Sanitary District (DSEI) Pernambuco’s territory to guarantee the right to health of indigenous in the COVID-19 pandemic. The research was carried out through document analysis, workshops and field research. The Contingency Plan for COVID-19 in Indigenous Peoples of DSEI Pernambuco included surveillance actions, laboratory and pharmaceutical assistance, communication and management. With the modeling of this document, it was noticed that actions aimed at local specificities were not integrated: in its initial design,the national level, indigenous leaders weren’t heard for the adequacy of this plan. On the other hand, the actions of these leaders and their mobilization to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the population stands out. Contextual factors were cited as facilitators and obstacles to the implementation of the plan; the local sociotechnical network mapping also made it possible to identify strategic actors and actants in face of the COVID-19 pandemic and verify their performance or ineffectiveness. The findings of this study reflect recurrent problems in the organization of the indigenous health system, whether specific to this region or national.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Indigenous Peoples, COVID-19, Health Management, Health Evaluation, Public Health Surveillance.
Casanova, A. O., Marchon-Silva, V., Reis, A. C., Gomes, M. F., Cesaro, B. C., Souza, R. B. C., Cunha, M. L. S., Cruz, M. M.. Estratégias governamentais e comunitárias em Pernambuco para o enfrentamento da COVID-19. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/jul). [Citado em 22/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/estrategias-governamentais-e-comunitarias-em-pernambuco-para-o-enfrentamento-da-covid19/19310?id=19310