0528/2016 - Estudo comparativo entre cuidadores formais e informais de idosos. Comparative study between formal and informal caregivers of elderly people.
• Maria Angelica Andreotti Diniz2 - Diniz, Maria Angélica Andreotti - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <maah-diniz@hotmail.com> +
• Beatriz Rodrigues de Souza Melo - Melo, Beatriz Rodrigues de Souza - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <nursebia@hotmail.com>
• Karolina Helena Neri - Neri, Karolina Helena - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <kakaneri@hotmail.com>
• Aline Cristina Martins Gratão - Gratão, Aline Cristina Martins - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <alinegratao@ufscar.br>
• Cheila Cristina Leonardo de Oliveira Gaioli - Gaioli, Cheila Cristina Leonardo de Oliveira - Universidade de Sao Paulo Campus de Ribeirao Preto - <cheila@eerp.usp.br>
• Francine Golghetto Casemiro - Casemiro, Francine Golghetto - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <francine_gc@hotmail.com>
• Leandro Correa Figueiredo - Figueiredo, Leandro Correa - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos - <l_cofi@hotmail.com>
Área Temática:
Saúde do Idoso
Este estudo objetivou comparar as condições de saúde e sobrecarga de cuidadores formais e informais de idosos. Estudo observacional, seccional, comparativo com coleta em 2014 em São Carlos/SP, utilizando-se os instrumentos a Escala de Sobrecarga de Zarit e o SRQ 20 (Self Reporting Questionaire). A amostra, constituída de 15 cuidadores formais e 35 informais. Os formais, maioria mulheres (86,7%), média de 36,7 anos; escolaridade de 13,7 anos, carga horária de 7,5 horas diárias de trabalho, 26,7% com desconforto emocional e maior frequência, sentirem-se “um pouco sobrecarregados” (40%). Os informais, maioria mulheres (85,7%), 42,9% representados por filhos, média de 55,2 anos, escolaridade de 7,1 anos, tempo de cuidado de 6,5 anos, com 19,8 horas diárias no cuidado ao idoso, 17 (48,6%) apresentaram leve sobrecarga e 16 (45,7%) apresentaram desconforto emocional. Revelam-se importantes diferenças e alerta para planejamento de intervenções visando a melhoria nas condições de saúde e de trabalho destes indivíduos.
Estresse PsicológicoCuidadoresIdosos
This study was aimed to compare the health conditions and burden of formal and informal of elderly caregivers. Cross-sectional and comparative study with a quantitative approach. The collected data were in 2014, using the Zarit Burden Scale and SRQ 20 (Self Reporting Questionnaire). Results: The sample included 15 formal and 35 informal caregivers. Among the formal caregivers, women were predominant (86.7%), with a mean age of 36.7, 13.7 years of education, a mean workload of 7.5 hours of work per day, 26.7% were diagnosed with emotional stress and most frequently mentioned feeling “somewhat overburdened” (40%). Concerning the informal caregivers, women were predominant (85.7%), 42.9% were the elderly’s children, with a mean age of 55.2 years, 7.1 years of education, length of care 6.5 years, an average 19.8h per day taking care of the elderly, 17 (48.6%) presented a mild burden and 16 (45.7%) presented emotional discomfort. Conclusions: The results reveal important differences and attention to plan interventions to improve these people’s health and work conditions.
Comparative study between formal and informal caregivers of elderly people.
Resumo (abstract):
This study was aimed to compare the health conditions and burden of formal and informal of elderly caregivers. Cross-sectional and comparative study with a quantitative approach. The collected data were in 2014, using the Zarit Burden Scale and SRQ 20 (Self Reporting Questionnaire). Results: The sample included 15 formal and 35 informal caregivers. Among the formal caregivers, women were predominant (86.7%), with a mean age of 36.7, 13.7 years of education, a mean workload of 7.5 hours of work per day, 26.7% were diagnosed with emotional stress and most frequently mentioned feeling “somewhat overburdened” (40%). Concerning the informal caregivers, women were predominant (85.7%), 42.9% were the elderly’s children, with a mean age of 55.2 years, 7.1 years of education, length of care 6.5 years, an average 19.8h per day taking care of the elderly, 17 (48.6%) presented a mild burden and 16 (45.7%) presented emotional discomfort. Conclusions: The results reveal important differences and attention to plan interventions to improve these people’s health and work conditions.