0273/2017 - Experimentação do álcool e tabaco entre adolescentes da região Centro-Oeste/Brasil. Alcohol and Tobacco Experimentation Among Adolescents of the Center-Western Region/Brazil.
O estudo tem como objetivo investigar a prevalência da experimentação do álcool e tabaco em adolescentes da região Centro-Oeste do Brasil e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos. Estudo transversal, utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar – PeNSE, realizada em 2015. A amostra foi composta por escolares do 9° ano do Ensino Fundamental. A variável dependente foi a experimentação do álcool e tabaco alguma vez na vida. Para identificação das variáveis associadas, foi realizada a análise de regressão de Poisson. A prevalência estimada ponderada da experimentação do álcool e do tabaco foi de 57,17% (IC95%: 56,20 a 58,14) e 22,38% (IC95%: 21,56 a 23,20), respectivamente. A prevalência de experimentação do álcool no sexo feminino foi maior que nos meninos; no entanto, para o tabaco, o sexo masculino apresentou prevalência maior que o sexo feminino. A experimentação do álcool e tabaco foi estatisticamente significativa com o avançar da idade. A dependência administrativa das escolas públicas expôs prevalência de 23,99% maior que as escolas privadas na experimentação do tabaco. Conclui-se que a experimentação do álcool e tabaco, entre os adolescentes escolares, apresentou-se elevada e associada aos fatores sociodemográficos.
Consumo de bebidas alcoólicas; Tabaco; Adolescente
This study aims at investigating the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco experimentation among adolescents of the center-western region of Brazil and its association with sociodemographic factors. It is a cross-sectional study, with datathe National school-based Health Survey – PeNSE, carried out in 2015. The sample was composed of 9th year graders of Elementary School. The dependent variable was the experimentation of alcohol and tobacco at some point in life. For the identification of the associated variables, the Poisson regression model was performed. The estimated prevalence of alcohol and tobacco experimentation was 57.17% (IC95%: 56.20 to 58.14) and 22.38% (IC95%: 21.56 to 23.20), respectively. The prevalence of alcohol experimentation in the female gender was higher than in the boys, however for tobacco, males presented higher prevalence than females. Alcohol and tobacco experimentation was statistically significant as people grow old. The administrative dependence of public schools revealed prevalence of 23.99% higher than private schools in tobacco experimentation. It was concluded that alcohol and tobacco experimentation was high among school adolescents and was shown to be associated with socio-demographic factors.
Alcohol and Tobacco Experimentation Among Adolescents of the Center-Western Region/Brazil.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aims at investigating the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco experimentation among adolescents of the center-western region of Brazil and its association with sociodemographic factors. It is a cross-sectional study, with datathe National school-based Health Survey – PeNSE, carried out in 2015. The sample was composed of 9th year graders of Elementary School. The dependent variable was the experimentation of alcohol and tobacco at some point in life. For the identification of the associated variables, the Poisson regression model was performed. The estimated prevalence of alcohol and tobacco experimentation was 57.17% (IC95%: 56.20 to 58.14) and 22.38% (IC95%: 21.56 to 23.20), respectively. The prevalence of alcohol experimentation in the female gender was higher than in the boys, however for tobacco, males presented higher prevalence than females. Alcohol and tobacco experimentation was statistically significant as people grow old. The administrative dependence of public schools revealed prevalence of 23.99% higher than private schools in tobacco experimentation. It was concluded that alcohol and tobacco experimentation was high among school adolescents and was shown to be associated with socio-demographic factors.
Freitas, EA, Amicucci Martins, Maria Silvia, Espinosa, Mariano Martinez. Experimentação do álcool e tabaco entre adolescentes da região Centro-Oeste/Brasil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/jul). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/experimentacao-do-alcool-e-tabaco-entre-adolescentes-da-regiao-centrooestebrasil/16325?id=16325