0526/2016 - Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Tentativa de suicídio na adultez emergente Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide attempt in emerging adulthood
• Anderson Siqueira Pereira - Pereira, Anderson Siqueira - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de psicologia - <anderson.siqueira.pereira@gmail.com> +
• Alice Willhelm Rodriges - Rodriges, Alice Willhelm - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de psicologia - <alicewillhelm@gmail.com>
O objetivo foi investigar os fatores de risco e proteção para tentativa de suicídio na adultez emergente. Participaram 189 indivíduos de 18 a 30 anos: 63 que já haviam tentado suicídio, 63 que tinham histórico de ideação suicida e 63 que nunca tiveram ideação suicida. Os dados foram coletados online com instrumentos relacionados a tentativa de suicídio e ideação suicida, ansiedade social, autoestima, autoeficácia, expressão social, relações de amizade e estressores desenvolvimentais. O grupo que não possui ideação apresentou médias superiores em autoeficácia (M=35,35; DP=6,44), autoestima (M=41,33; DP=7,02) e relacionamento familiar (M=59,63; DP=10,01). O grupo que apresentou ideação suicida teve médias superiores em ansiedade social (M=26,03; DP=10,25). Fatores protetivos são essenciais para a prevenção ao risco de suicídio e auxiliam na resolução de problemas na adultez emergente.
Adulto JovemIdeação suicidaTentativa de suicídioFatores de riscoFatores de proteção
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk and protective factors for suicide attempt in emerging adulthood. 189 individuals (18 to 30 years old) participated in the study: 63 had already attempted suicide, 63 had a history of suicidal ideation, and 63 have never had suicidal ideation. They all completed an online research protocol about suicidal attempt and ideation, anxiety, self-esteem, self-efficacy, developmental stressors; social expression, and friendship. Those participants with no history of suicidal attempt showed higher scores of self-efficacy (M = 35.35, SD = 6.44), self-esteem (M = 41.33, SD = 7.02), and family relationships (M = 59.63, SD = 10.01). The suicidal ideation group showed higher scores of social anxiety (M = 26.03, SD = 10.25). Protective factors were essential to prevent the risk of suicide and help in solving problems in emerging adulthood.
Young AdultsSuicidal ideation Suicide attemptRisk factorsProtective factors
Risk and Protective Factors for Suicide attempt in emerging adulthood
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk and protective factors for suicide attempt in emerging adulthood. 189 individuals (18 to 30 years old) participated in the study: 63 had already attempted suicide, 63 had a history of suicidal ideation, and 63 have never had suicidal ideation. They all completed an online research protocol about suicidal attempt and ideation, anxiety, self-esteem, self-efficacy, developmental stressors; social expression, and friendship. Those participants with no history of suicidal attempt showed higher scores of self-efficacy (M = 35.35, SD = 6.44), self-esteem (M = 41.33, SD = 7.02), and family relationships (M = 59.63, SD = 10.01). The suicidal ideation group showed higher scores of social anxiety (M = 26.03, SD = 10.25). Protective factors were essential to prevent the risk of suicide and help in solving problems in emerging adulthood.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Young AdultsSuicidal ideation Suicide attemptRisk factorsProtective factors
Pereira, Anderson Siqueira, Rodriges, Alice Willhelm, KOLLER, S. H., Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de. Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Tentativa de suicídio na adultez emergente. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-de-risco-e-protecao-para-tentativa-de-suicidio-na-adultez-emergente/15952?id=15952