2007/2012 - Fatores que Influenciam a Adoção de Ferramentas TICs nos Experimentos de Bioinformática de Organizações Biofarmacêuticas: Um Estudo de Caso no Instituto Nacional do Câncer Factors Affecting ICTs Tools Adoption in Bioinformatics Experiments from Biopharmaceutical Organizations: The Case Study of Brazilian National Cancer Institute
O objetivo deste artigo é identificar e analisar os fatores que influenciaram a adoção de ferramentas TICs nos experimentos de Bioinformática do Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA). Trata-se de um estudo de campo único descritivo e exploratório, dentro da tradição qualitativa. As evidências coletadas principalmente das entrevistas de fundo com os gestores de áreas da Coordenação Geral Técnico-Científica (CGTC) e da Divisão de Tecnologia da Informação (DTI) do INCA. As respostas foram tratadas pelo método de análise de conteúdo do tipo categorial. As categorias de análise foram definidas a partir da revisão da literatura e consolidadas nos sete fatores do Modelo TOE adaptado para esse estudo. O modelo proposto permitiu demonstrar como atuam no caso do INCA os fatores que impactam a adoção das complexas TICs usadas nos experimentos de Bioninformática, contribuído para investigações em duas áreas de importância crescente para o Complexo Econômico-Industrial de Saúde brasileiro: a inovação tecnológica e a Biotecnologia. Com base nas evidências coletadas, uma questão é formulada para aprofundamento em pesquisas futuras: em que medida o alinhamento dos fatores pertinentes à adoção das TICs nos experimentos de Bioinformática pode aumentar a capacidade de inovar de uma organização biofarmacêutica brasileira?
This article’s objective is to identify and analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs tolls in Bioinformatics experiments from the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA). It is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative field study. The evidences where collected mainly based on in depth interviews with management team from the Research Center and from the IT Division. The answers were treated by the categorical content method. The categories were selected from the scientific literature and consolidated in the TOE framework built for this study. The model proposed allowed to demonstrate how the factors selected acted in the case of INCA´s adoption of Bioinformatics systems and tools, contributing for the investigation of two critical areas for the development of the Health Industry in Brazil: innovation technology and Bioinformatics. Based on the evidences collected, a research question was offered: in which measure the alignment of the factors related to the adoption ICTs tools in Bioinformatics experiments can increase the innovation capacity of the Brazilian biopharmaceutical organizations?
Factors Affecting ICTs Tools Adoption in Bioinformatics Experiments from Biopharmaceutical Organizations: The Case Study of Brazilian National Cancer Institute
Resumo (abstract):
This article’s objective is to identify and analyze the factors that influence the adoption of ICTs tolls in Bioinformatics experiments from the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA). It is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative field study. The evidences where collected mainly based on in depth interviews with management team from the Research Center and from the IT Division. The answers were treated by the categorical content method. The categories were selected from the scientific literature and consolidated in the TOE framework built for this study. The model proposed allowed to demonstrate how the factors selected acted in the case of INCA´s adoption of Bioinformatics systems and tools, contributing for the investigation of two critical areas for the development of the Health Industry in Brazil: innovation technology and Bioinformatics. Based on the evidences collected, a research question was offered: in which measure the alignment of the factors related to the adoption ICTs tools in Bioinformatics experiments can increase the innovation capacity of the Brazilian biopharmaceutical organizations?
Pitassi, C., Gonçalves, A.A, Moreno, V.. Fatores que Influenciam a Adoção de Ferramentas TICs nos Experimentos de Bioinformática de Organizações Biofarmacêuticas: Um Estudo de Caso no Instituto Nacional do Câncer. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2012/out). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-que-influenciam-a-adocao-de-ferramentas-tics-nos-experimentos-de-bioinformatica-de-organizacoes-biofarmaceuticas-um-estudo-de-caso-no-instituto-nacional-do-cancer/11653?id=11653