0128/2015 - Fatores que influenciam a qualidade de vida do cuidador familiar do idoso com demência Factors influencing quality of life of family caregivers of the elderly with dementia
A piora do quadro clínico na demência leva a perda da autonomia e independência do idoso. Tal contexto pressupõe que algum familiar irá assumir as funções de cuidador, o que pode interferir na sua qualidade de vida (QV). A presente investigação é uma revisão integrativa que teve como objetivo analisar as evidências disponíveis sobre os fatores que influenciam a QV do cuidador familiar do idoso com demência. Foram selecionados artigos publicados nas bases dados BDENF, LILACS e MEDLINE. Foram identificados 477 estudos, sendo que 11 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e compuseram a amostra desta revisão. Identificou-se que os fatores que influenciam a QV desse cuidador são: depressão; má qualidade do sono; tipo de demência e sintomas neuropsiquiátricos; apoio, suporte social e acesso aos serviços de saúde; lazer; problemas de saúde pré-existentes; intervenções com treinamento para o cuidador e espiritualidade. Sugere-se que o profissional enfermeiro identifique necessidades desse cuidador, para que assim possa traçar estratégias de cuidado.
Qualidade de Vida
The worsening of symptoms in dementia leads to loss of autonomy and independence of the elderly. This scenario assumes that a family member will assume the caregiver functions, which can interfere with your quality of life (QOL). This research is an integrative review that aimed to analyze the available evidence on the factors that influence quality of life of family caregivers of seniors with dementia. Articles were published in the databases BDENF data, LILACS and MEDLINE. We identified 477 studies, of which 11 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the sample of this review. It was found that the factors that influence quality of life of caregivers are depression; poor sleep quality; type of dementia and neuropsychiatric symptoms; support, social support and access to health services; leisure; problems of pre-existing health; interventions for caregiver training and spirituality. It is suggested that the nurse identify needs of caregivers, so that it can draw care strategies.
Factors influencing quality of life of family caregivers of the elderly with dementia
Resumo (abstract):
The worsening of symptoms in dementia leads to loss of autonomy and independence of the elderly. This scenario assumes that a family member will assume the caregiver functions, which can interfere with your quality of life (QOL). This research is an integrative review that aimed to analyze the available evidence on the factors that influence quality of life of family caregivers of seniors with dementia. Articles were published in the databases BDENF data, LILACS and MEDLINE. We identified 477 studies, of which 11 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the sample of this review. It was found that the factors that influence quality of life of caregivers are depression; poor sleep quality; type of dementia and neuropsychiatric symptoms; support, social support and access to health services; leisure; problems of pre-existing health; interventions for caregiver training and spirituality. It is suggested that the nurse identify needs of caregivers, so that it can draw care strategies.
Pereira, L. S. M., Soares, SM. Fatores que influenciam a qualidade de vida do cuidador familiar do idoso com demência. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2015/jul). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/fatores-que-influenciam-a-qualidade-de-vida-do-cuidador-familiar-do-idoso-com-demencia/15196?id=15196