0295/2018 - Governança, redes sociais e promoção da saúde: Reconfigurando práticas e institucionalidades. Governance, social networks and health promotion: Reshaping practices and institutions.
Governança se refere ao processo contínuo em que governos, associações civis, mercados e redes sociais através de diferentes perspectivas organizacionais mobilizam recursos e consolidam relações de poder e confiança a fim de alcançar objetivos e legitimidade. O objetivo deste artigo baseado em uma revisão crítica da literatura é discutir os limites e alcances dos arranjos de governança orientados para a promoção da saúde e refletir sobre as possíveis implicações para o perfil institucional e decisório na área. Conclui-se que a governança efetiva no campo da saúde envolve um processo incremental e dinâmico capaz de articular de maneira flexível múltiplos atores, fortalecer espaços deliberativos inclusivos e expandir mecanismos de vinculação em rede.
governança; redes sociais; promoção da saúde; equidade
Governance refers to the ongoing process in which governments, civil associations, markets and social networks through different mechanisms and organizational perspectives mobilize resources and consolidate power relations and trust in order to achieve goals and legitimacy.The aim of this article based on a critical review of the literature is to expand the debate about governance in health promotion and contribute to the reflection on limits, potential effects and implications for institutions and decision agenda.It can be concluded that effective governance in health involves an incremental and dynamic process capable of articulate multiple actors, strengthen inclusive deliberative spaces and expand networking mechanisms.
governance, social networks, health promotion, equity
Governance, social networks and health promotion: Reshaping practices and institutions.
Resumo (abstract):
Governance refers to the ongoing process in which governments, civil associations, markets and social networks through different mechanisms and organizational perspectives mobilize resources and consolidate power relations and trust in order to achieve goals and legitimacy.The aim of this article based on a critical review of the literature is to expand the debate about governance in health promotion and contribute to the reflection on limits, potential effects and implications for institutions and decision agenda.It can be concluded that effective governance in health involves an incremental and dynamic process capable of articulate multiple actors, strengthen inclusive deliberative spaces and expand networking mechanisms.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
governance, social networks, health promotion, equity
Magalhaes, R. Governança, redes sociais e promoção da saúde: Reconfigurando práticas e institucionalidades.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/jun). [Citado em 12/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/governanca-redes-sociais-e-promocao-da-saude-reconfigurando-praticas-e-institucionalidades/16828?id=16828