• Ana Paula Souto Melo - Melo, Ana Paula Souto - Divinópolis, Minas Gerais - Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei, Faculdade de Medicina - <ana.paula.souto.melo@gmail.com>
• Fabiana Cristina Ribeiro Barros - Barros, Fabiana Cristina Ribeiro - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de Medicina, Pos Graduação Saúde Pública - <fabiepidemiologia@gmail.com>
• Eduardo de Paula Lima - Lima, Eduardo de Paula - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de Medicina - <edpl@hotmail.com>
Os pacientes psiquiátricos estão em risco aumentado de eventos adversos da vida, como ser preso e morar na rua. Investigamos a associação de características sociodemográficas, clínicas, comportamentais e eventos adversos de vida com o histórico de morar na rua, encarceramento e a co-ocorrência dessas duas condições ao longo da vida em um estudo multicêntrico de corte transversal de 2,475 usuários de 26 serviços de saúde mental no Brasil. Odds ratios foram obtidos por modelos de regressão logística multinomial. A prevalência de morar na rua, encarceramento e co-ocorrência dessas condições foi de 8,6%, 16,4% e 9,4%, respectivamente. Menor renda, viver em habitações instáveis, deficiência mental e tabagismo foram associados a morar na rua. Ser do sexo masculino, ter menor escolaridade, histórico de sexo sob efeito de álcool ou drogas e múltiplos parceiros sexuais foram associados ao encarceramento. Internações psiquiátricas, uso de substâncias, histórico de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e violência sexual, física ou verbal foram associados à co-ocorrência das duas condições. Encarceramento e morar na rua são eventos altamente prevalentes e correlacionados em pacientes psiquiátricos. Muitos dos fatores associados são modificáveis e podem agir sinergicamente exigindo cuidados integrado
Pessoas em situação de ruatranstornos mentalepidemiologiaprisões
Psychiatric patients are at increased risk of adverse life events, such as being incarcerated and homelessness in their life course. Using data from a cross-sectional multicenter study of 2,475 patients selected from 26 mental health services in Brazil, we examined the association of sociodemographic, clinical, behavioral, and adverse life characteristics with history of homelessness, incarceration or their co-occurrence during lifetime. Odds ratios were obtained by multinomial logistic regression models. The prevalence of homelessness, incarceration and co-occurrence of these two conditions were 8.6%, 16.4%, and 9.4%, respectively. Lower income, living in unstable condition, intellectual disability, and cigarette smoking were associated with homelessness. Being male, lower schooling, sex under effect of alcohol or drugs, and multiple sex partners were associated with incarceration. Psychiatric hospitalizations, substance use, and history of sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual, physical, or verbal violence were associated with co-occurrence of both conditions. Our findings suggest that incarceration and homelessness are highly prevalent and correlated in psychiatric patients in Brazil. Many of the associated factors are potentially modifiable, and may act synergistically requiring integrated care.
Pacientes psiquiátricos em situação de rua e encarceramento no Brasil.
Resumo (abstract):
Psychiatric patients are at increased risk of adverse life events, such as being incarcerated and homelessness in their life course. Using data from a cross-sectional multicenter study of 2,475 patients selected from 26 mental health services in Brazil, we examined the association of sociodemographic, clinical, behavioral, and adverse life characteristics with history of homelessness, incarceration or their co-occurrence during lifetime. Odds ratios were obtained by multinomial logistic regression models. The prevalence of homelessness, incarceration and co-occurrence of these two conditions were 8.6%, 16.4%, and 9.4%, respectively. Lower income, living in unstable condition, intellectual disability, and cigarette smoking were associated with homelessness. Being male, lower schooling, sex under effect of alcohol or drugs, and multiple sex partners were associated with incarceration. Psychiatric hospitalizations, substance use, and history of sexually transmitted diseases, and sexual, physical, or verbal violence were associated with co-occurrence of both conditions. Our findings suggest that incarceration and homelessness are highly prevalent and correlated in psychiatric patients in Brazil. Many of the associated factors are potentially modifiable, and may act synergistically requiring integrated care.
Melo, Ana Paula Souto, Barros, Fabiana Cristina Ribeiro, Lima, Eduardo de Paula, Camelo, L.V., Guimarães, M. D. C.. Homelessness and incarceration among psychiatric patients in Brazil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/nov). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/homelessness-and-incarceration-among-psychiatric-patients-in-brazil/15945?id=15945