0124/2023 - Indicadores do Programa Nacional de Imunizações em menores de um ano: tendência temporal no Maranhão, 2010 a 2021 Indicators of the National Immunization Program for children under one-year-old: time trend in Maranhão, 2010 to 2021
Objetivou-se analisar a tendência de indicadores do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI) em menores de um ano e classificar os municípios quanto ao risco de transmissão de doenças imunopreveníveis (RTDIp) no Maranhão, de 2010 a 2021. Estudo ecológico de série temporal, baseado em dados secundários de Cobertura Vacinal (CV), Homogeneidade de Cobertura Vacinal (HCV), Proporção de Abandono (PA) e RTDIp, com abrangência estadual, para vacinas do calendário nacional infantil. Regressão de Prais-Winstein estimou tendência (?=5%) e variação percentual anual (VPA) dos indicadores. Houve CV flutuantes e discrepantes entre as vacinas, com tendência decrescente (p
Cobertura Vacinal. Programa Nacional de Imunização. Saúde da Criança. Indicadores Básicos de Saúde.
The objective was to analyze the trend of indicators of the National Immunization Program (acronym in Portuguese, PNI) in children under one year old and to classify municipalities regarding the risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases (RTVPD) in Maranhão,2010 to 2021. Ecological time series study, based on secondary data on Vaccination Coverage (VC), Homogeneity of Vaccination Coverage (HVC), Abandonment Proportion (AP), and RTVPD, with state coverage, for vaccines in the national children\'s calendar. Prais-Winstein regression estimated trends (α=5%) and annual percentage change (APC) of the indicators. There were fluctuating and discrepant VC between vaccines, with a decreasing trend (p
Vaccination Coverage. National Immunization Program. Children\'s Health. Basic Health Indicators.
Indicators of the National Immunization Program for children under one-year-old: time trend in Maranhão, 2010 to 2021
Resumo (abstract):
The objective was to analyze the trend of indicators of the National Immunization Program (acronym in Portuguese, PNI) in children under one year old and to classify municipalities regarding the risk of transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases (RTVPD) in Maranhão,2010 to 2021. Ecological time series study, based on secondary data on Vaccination Coverage (VC), Homogeneity of Vaccination Coverage (HVC), Abandonment Proportion (AP), and RTVPD, with state coverage, for vaccines in the national children\'s calendar. Prais-Winstein regression estimated trends (α=5%) and annual percentage change (APC) of the indicators. There were fluctuating and discrepant VC between vaccines, with a decreasing trend (p
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Vaccination Coverage. National Immunization Program. Children\'s Health. Basic Health Indicators.
Marinho, C.V, Queiroz, R.C.S, Araujo, W.R.M, Tonello, A.S, Thomaz, E.B.A.F. Indicadores do Programa Nacional de Imunizações em menores de um ano: tendência temporal no Maranhão, 2010 a 2021. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/mai). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/indicadores-do-programa-nacional-de-imunizacoes-em-menores-de-um-ano-tendencia-temporal-no-maranhao-2010-a-2021/18750?id=18750