0308/2019 - Indicadores hospitalares de acesso e efetividade e crise econômica: Análise baseada nos dados do Sistema Único de Saúde, Brasil e estados da região Sudeste, 2009-2018. Access and effectiveness inpatient care indicators and economic crisis: Analysis based on Brazilian Health System data, Brazil and Southern Brazil states, 2009-2018.
No contexto de crise e restrições de recursos é razoável supor o agravamento de fragilidades do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), como desigualdades regionais, subfinanciamento e problemas na qualidade do cuidado. Este estudo explorou a aplicação de indicadores de acesso e efetividade, facilmente compreensíveis e calculados, passíveis de refletir a crise na rede hospitalar. Cinco indicadores extraídos do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares, relativos ao Brasil e estados da Região Sudeste, foram analisados no período de 2009-2018: internações resultantes em morte; internações cirúrgicas resultantes em morte; cirurgias eletivas no total das internações cirúrgicas; próteses de quadril na população de idosos; e angioplastias na população de 20 anos ou mais. Utilizaram-se gráficos de controle estatístico para a comparação dos indicadores entre estados, antes e a partir de 2014. No Brasil, as mortes hospitalares tiveram um leve crescimento enquanto que as mortes cirúrgicas uma queda; as cirurgias eletivas e próteses de quadril também diminuíram. No Sudeste, o Rio de Janeiro apresentou os piores resultados, em especial a queda de cirurgias eletivas. Os resultados ilustram o potencial dos indicadores para monitorar efeitos da crise sobre o cuidado hospitalar.
Indicadores; Acesso; Efetividade; Gráficos de controle estatístico; Crise
In the context of crisis and resource constraints, it is reasonable to assume the worsening of the fragilities of the Unified Health System (SUS), such as regional inequalities, subfinancing and problems in the quality of care. This study explored the application of access and effectiveness indicators, easily comprehensible and calculated, which could reflect the crisis in its hospital network. Five indicators extractedthe Hospital Information System, related to Brazil and states of the Southeastern region, were analyzed in the period2009 to 2018: hospitalizations resulting in death; surgical hospitalizations resulting in death; elective surgeries in the total of surgical hospitalizations; hip prostheses in the elderly population. Statistical control charts were used to compare indicators between s states, before and2014. In Brazil, the hospital general deaths had a slight growth while the surgical deaths a decrease; elective surgeries and hip replacement procedures also decreased, and angioplasty had a continuous growth. In Southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro presented the worst results, especially the decrease of the elective surgeries. The results illustrate the potential of indicators to monitoring crisis effects on hospital care.
Indicators; Access; Effectiveness; Statistical control charts; Crisis
Access and effectiveness inpatient care indicators and economic crisis: Analysis based on Brazilian Health System data, Brazil and Southern Brazil states, 2009-2018.
Resumo (abstract):
In the context of crisis and resource constraints, it is reasonable to assume the worsening of the fragilities of the Unified Health System (SUS), such as regional inequalities, subfinancing and problems in the quality of care. This study explored the application of access and effectiveness indicators, easily comprehensible and calculated, which could reflect the crisis in its hospital network. Five indicators extractedthe Hospital Information System, related to Brazil and states of the Southeastern region, were analyzed in the period2009 to 2018: hospitalizations resulting in death; surgical hospitalizations resulting in death; elective surgeries in the total of surgical hospitalizations; hip prostheses in the elderly population. Statistical control charts were used to compare indicators between s states, before and2014. In Brazil, the hospital general deaths had a slight growth while the surgical deaths a decrease; elective surgeries and hip replacement procedures also decreased, and angioplasty had a continuous growth. In Southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro presented the worst results, especially the decrease of the elective surgeries. The results illustrate the potential of indicators to monitoring crisis effects on hospital care.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Indicators; Access; Effectiveness; Statistical control charts; Crisis
Martins, M., Lima, S.M.L., Andrade, C.L.T., Portela M.C. Indicadores hospitalares de acesso e efetividade e crise econômica: Análise baseada nos dados do Sistema Único de Saúde, Brasil e estados da região Sudeste, 2009-2018.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/out). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/indicadores-hospitalares-de-acesso-e-efetividade-e-crise-economica-analise-baseada-nos-dados-do-sistema-unico-de-saude-brasil-e-estados-da-regiao-sudeste-20092018/17382?id=17382