0192/2021 - Interiorização da COVID-19 no Oeste da Bahia: perfil epidemiológico e análise espacial dos óbitos e casos confirmados Interiorization of COVID-19 in Western Bahia: epidemiological profile and spatial analysis of deaths and confirmed cases
Objetivo: descrever o perfil epidemiológico e a distribuição espacial dos óbitos e casos confirmados da COVID-19 na macrorregião de saúde Oeste da Bahia. Métodos: estudo ecológico sobre a interiorização do SARS-CoV-2, entre 21 de março de 2020 a 31 de março de 2021, considerando o coeficiente de incidência e de mortalidade, letalidade, densidade de casos e média móvel de casos e óbitos. Resultados: foram registrados 37.036 casos e 536 óbitos confirmados. Dos casos, 94,5% estão recuperados e 4,0% ativos. O coeficiente de incidência foi 3.884,1/100 mil habitantes, o coeficiente de mortalidade, 56,2/100 mil habitantes, e a letalidade, 1,4%. Identificou-se a predominância de intensidade muito alta e alta da ocorrência da COVID-19 na macrorregião, com a média móvel evidenciando uma tendência de crescimento. Conclusão: Os achados descrevem alto risco de infecção e morte na macrorregião, além de apresentar uma tendência de crescimento dos casos acumulados, confirmando a interiorização da doença.
Coronavírus; Análise Espacial; Epidemiologia; Brasil.
Objective: describe the epidemiological profile and the spatial distribution of deaths and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Western health macro-region of Bahia. Methods: ecological study on the interiorization of SARS-CoV-2 between March 21, 2020 and March 31, 2021, considering incidence and mortality coefficient, lethality, case density and moving average of cases and deaths were calculated. Results: 37,036 cases and 536 confirmed deaths were recorded. Of the cases, 94.5% are recovered and 4.0% are active. The incidence coefficient was 3884.1, the mortality coefficient (both per 100,000 inhabitants) 56.2 and the lethality was 1.4% The predominance of very high and high intensity of the occurrence of COVID-19 in the macro-region was identified, with the moving average showed a trend of growth. Conclusion: The findings describe a high risk of infection and death in the macroregion, in addition to a growing trend in accumulated cases, confirming the internalization of the disease.
Interiorization of COVID-19 in Western Bahia: epidemiological profile and spatial analysis of deaths and confirmed cases
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: describe the epidemiological profile and the spatial distribution of deaths and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Western health macro-region of Bahia. Methods: ecological study on the interiorization of SARS-CoV-2 between March 21, 2020 and March 31, 2021, considering incidence and mortality coefficient, lethality, case density and moving average of cases and deaths were calculated. Results: 37,036 cases and 536 confirmed deaths were recorded. Of the cases, 94.5% are recovered and 4.0% are active. The incidence coefficient was 3884.1, the mortality coefficient (both per 100,000 inhabitants) 56.2 and the lethality was 1.4% The predominance of very high and high intensity of the occurrence of COVID-19 in the macro-region was identified, with the moving average showed a trend of growth. Conclusion: The findings describe a high risk of infection and death in the macroregion, in addition to a growing trend in accumulated cases, confirming the internalization of the disease.
Gomes, D. R., Souza, R. C., Oliveira, U. R., Mattos, M. P., Aleluia, I.R.S., Mapeli, A. M.. Interiorização da COVID-19 no Oeste da Bahia: perfil epidemiológico e análise espacial dos óbitos e casos confirmados. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/jun). [Citado em 19/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/interiorizacao-da-covid19-no-oeste-da-bahia-perfil-epidemiologico-e-analise-espacial-dos-obitos-e-casos-confirmados/18091?id=18091&id=18091