0214/2017 - Lesão autoprovocada em todos os ciclos da vida: Perfil das vítimas em serviços de urgência e emergência de capitais do Brasil Self-harm throughout in all life cycles: Profile of victims in emergency and capital emergency services in Brazil
Caracteriza-se o perfil das vítimas de lesão autoprovocada que procuraram atendimento em serviços de urgência e emergência nas capitais brasileiras, utilizando-se a base de dados do Viva Inquérito 2014. Metodologicamente, foi realizada estatística descritiva das lesões autoprovocadas por sexo e análise por regressão logística. As características avaliadas foram: faixa etária, sexo, raça/cor de pele, escolaridade, zona de residência, características do evento, uso de álcool e evolução do atendimento. Os resultados mostram que quase 10% dos atendimentos por violências nos serviços de urgência e emergência pesquisados decorrem de lesões autoprovocadas, com destaque para casos que envolvem mulheres e adultos. Há diferenças entre gêneros inclusive as relacionadas à escolha do método para cometer suicídio. Alguns fatores geralmente associados às tentativas de suicídio não puderam ser avaliados, porque as informações não estavam contidas no escopo do instrumento de coleta. Conclui-se que o serviço de emergência é muito importante para os estudos de suicídio porque constituem a porta de entrada dos casos que chegam aos serviços. No entanto, dado seu caráter pontual, as informações que emite são muito restritas. Assim, os pacientes necessitam de acompanhamento posterior para prevenção das reincidências.
Tentativa de SuicídioInquéritoViolênciaServiços de Emergência
The aim of the study is characterize the profile of the victims of self-inflicted injuries that searched urgency and emergency care services in Brazilian capitals using the “Viva Inquérito” database 2014. Descriptive statistics of self-reported lesions by sex and logistic regression analysis were performed. The characteristics evaluated were age, sex, race/color of skin, schooling, area of residence, characteristics of the event, alcohol use and evolution of care. The results show that almost 10% of the visits for violence in the emergency and emergency services surveyed are due to self-harm, with emphasis on cases involving women and adults. There are differences between important genres related to the phenomenon, including related to the choice of the suicidal method. Some factors generally associated with suicide attempts could not be evaluated, because the necessary information was not within the scope of the collection instrument. It is concluded that the emergency service is very important for suicide studies because they are the gateway to cases that arrive at services. However, given its punctual nature, the information it issues is very restricted. Thus, patients need follow-up to prevent new attempts.
Suicide AttemptSurveysViolenceEmergency Medical Services
Self-harm throughout in all life cycles: Profile of victims in emergency and capital emergency services in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The aim of the study is characterize the profile of the victims of self-inflicted injuries that searched urgency and emergency care services in Brazilian capitals using the “Viva Inquérito” database 2014. Descriptive statistics of self-reported lesions by sex and logistic regression analysis were performed. The characteristics evaluated were age, sex, race/color of skin, schooling, area of residence, characteristics of the event, alcohol use and evolution of care. The results show that almost 10% of the visits for violence in the emergency and emergency services surveyed are due to self-harm, with emphasis on cases involving women and adults. There are differences between important genres related to the phenomenon, including related to the choice of the suicidal method. Some factors generally associated with suicide attempts could not be evaluated, because the necessary information was not within the scope of the collection instrument. It is concluded that the emergency service is very important for suicide studies because they are the gateway to cases that arrive at services. However, given its punctual nature, the information it issues is very restricted. Thus, patients need follow-up to prevent new attempts.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Suicide AttemptSurveysViolenceEmergency Medical Services
Bahia, Camila Alves, Pinto, L.W., Minayo, M.C.S, Avanci, Jovina Quintes. Lesão autoprovocada em todos os ciclos da vida: Perfil das vítimas em serviços de urgência e emergência de capitais do Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/lesao-autoprovocada-em-todos-os-ciclos-da-vida-perfil-das-vitimas-em-servicos-de-urgencia-e-emergencia-de-capitais-do-brasil/16260?id=16260