0712/2011 - Medicalização da Vida: Ética, Saúde Pública e Indústria Farmacêutica Medicalization of Life: Ethics, Public Health and Pharmaceutical Industry
• Monique Araújo de Brito - Brito, M. A. - Niterói, RJ - Universidade Federal Fluminense - <MONIQUEBRITO@ID.UFF.BR>
Área Temática:
Não Categorizado
A medicalização é um fenômeno através do qual a vida cotidiana é apropriada pela medicina e interfere na construção de conceitos, costumes e comportamentos sociais. A questão da ética encontra-se particularmente em um momento de discussão no Brasil; unida à área da saúde pública e aliada ao tópico da indústria farmacêutica, permite importantes discussões. Os organizadores de “Medicalização da Vida: Ética, Saúde Pública e Indústria Farmacêutica”, Sandra Caponi, Marta Verdi, Fabiola S. Brzozowski e Fernando Hellmann apresentam o livro que relatam “ser o resultado de um diálogo interdisciplinar entre pesquisadores de diferentes áreas e regiões em torno da problemática da medicalização da vida e dos conflitos éticos no âmbito das pesquisas em saúde e no campo da saúde pública”. Ao contrário do que possa parecer, a medicalização não consiste em um processo recente. Ela vem acontecendo na sociedade há mais de dois séculos, durante os quais foi ganhando formas diversas. Podemos notar que à medida que a medicina se insere no social, as práticas e os discursos se apropriam da racionalidade médica. A partir deste momento, a vida cotidiana torna-se medicalizada, posto que o cidadão começa a ter familiaridade com as noções médicas difundidas, passando a conceber a saúde como valor primordial e, conseqüentemente, a fazer de tudo para preservá-la ou restaurá-la.
Medicalização da Vida
Saúde Pública
Indústria Farmacêutica
Medicalization is a phenomenon by which everyday life is medically appropriate and interferes with the construction of concepts, customs and social behaviors. The question of ethics is particularly at a time of discussion in Brazil, coupled with the public health and allied to the topic of the pharmaceutical industry, allows important discussions. The organizers of "medicalization of Life: Ethics, Public Health and the Pharmaceutical Industry", Sandra Caponi, Martha Verdi, Fabiola S. Brzozowski and Fernando Hellmann present the book report "is the result of an interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers from different areas and regions around the problem of medicalization of life and ethical conflicts within the health research and the field of public health." Contrary to what may seem, does not consist in the medicalization process recently. It‘s taking place in society for over two centuries, during which he was earning several ways. We may note that as medicine is part of the social practices and discourses appropriated the medical rationale. From this point on, daily life becomes medicalized, since the citizen begins to be familiar with the medical widespread notions, designing health as a fundamental value and, consequently, do everything to preserve it or restore it.
Medicalization of Life
Public Health
Pharmaceutical Industry
Book Review
Medicalization of Life: Ethics, Public Health and Pharmaceutical Industry
Resumo (abstract):
Medicalization is a phenomenon by which everyday life is medically appropriate and interferes with the construction of concepts, customs and social behaviors. The question of ethics is particularly at a time of discussion in Brazil, coupled with the public health and allied to the topic of the pharmaceutical industry, allows important discussions. The organizers of "medicalization of Life: Ethics, Public Health and the Pharmaceutical Industry", Sandra Caponi, Martha Verdi, Fabiola S. Brzozowski and Fernando Hellmann present the book report "is the result of an interdisciplinary dialogue among researchers from different areas and regions around the problem of medicalization of life and ethical conflicts within the health research and the field of public health." Contrary to what may seem, does not consist in the medicalization process recently. It‘s taking place in society for over two centuries, during which he was earning several ways. We may note that as medicine is part of the social practices and discourses appropriated the medical rationale. From this point on, daily life becomes medicalized, since the citizen begins to be familiar with the medical widespread notions, designing health as a fundamental value and, consequently, do everything to preserve it or restore it.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Medicalization of Life
Public Health
Pharmaceutical Industry
Book Review
Brito, M. A.. Medicalização da Vida: Ética, Saúde Pública e Indústria Farmacêutica. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2011/jun). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/medicalizacao-da-vida-etica-saude-publica-e-industria-farmaceutica/7760?id=7760