0104/2020 - Modelo Teórico-Metodológico baseado na Teoria de Redes Complexas para Análise da Oferta Potencial dos Serviços de Saúde. Theoretical-methodological model based on the complex networks theory for the analysis of the potential supply of health services.
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um modelo teórico-metodológico como base para a análiseda oferta potencial de serviços de saúdepública brasileira apartir de uma abordagem baseada na teoria de redes complexas.O modelo analisouaoferta potencial de serviços de saúde através da relação da distância euclidianaentre setores censitários e serviços/classificadores oferecidos pelos estabelecimentos de saúde, conforme definidos no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde (CNES).São propostos dois tipos de métrica para análise dos relacionamentos: a distância média dos serviços de saúde para com os setores censitários e a importância da unidade de saúde na oferta potencial de cada tipo de serviço com base na centralidade e na disponibilidade deste serviço.Para demonstrar a aplicação do modelo foi construída uma rede com base na Área Metropolitana de Brasília, incluindo o Distrito Federal e 12 Municípios do entorno.O modelo demostrou-se capazde mapear e analisar os dados do CNEScom os setores censitários definidos no CENSO, abrindo a possibilidade de construção de novas óticas de análise na compreensão da distribuição potencial de recursos e serviços em função de variáveis socioeconômicas, bem como, uma importante ferramenta de gestão informada porevidências.
Acesso aos Serviços de Saúde, Assistência à Saúde, Saúde Pública, Ciência de Dados, Redes Complexas
The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical-methodological model as the basis for the analysis of the potential offer of Brazilian public health services (SUS)an approach based on complex network theory. The model sought to analyze the potential provision of health services through the relationship of Euclidean distance between census sectors and services offered by health facilities, as defined in the National Register of Health Establishments (CNES). Two types of metrics are proposed for the analysis of the relationship network: the average distance of health services to the census sectors and the importance of the health unit in the potential offer of each type of service based on the centrality and availability of this service. To demonstrate the application of the model, a network was built based in the Metropolitan Area of Brasilia, including the Federal District and 12 surrounding municipalities. The model was able to map and analyze CNES data with census sectors defined in the CENSUS, opening the possibility of constructing new perspectives of analysis in the understanding of the potential distribution of health resources and services according to socioeconomic variables,as well as an important evidence-informedmanagement tool.
Health Services Accessibility, Delivery of Health Care, Public Health, Data Science, Complex Network
Theoretical-methodological model based on the complex networks theory for the analysis of the potential supply of health services.
Resumo (abstract):
The purpose of this article is to present a theoretical-methodological model as the basis for the analysis of the potential offer of Brazilian public health services (SUS)an approach based on complex network theory. The model sought to analyze the potential provision of health services through the relationship of Euclidean distance between census sectors and services offered by health facilities, as defined in the National Register of Health Establishments (CNES). Two types of metrics are proposed for the analysis of the relationship network: the average distance of health services to the census sectors and the importance of the health unit in the potential offer of each type of service based on the centrality and availability of this service. To demonstrate the application of the model, a network was built based in the Metropolitan Area of Brasilia, including the Federal District and 12 surrounding municipalities. The model was able to map and analyze CNES data with census sectors defined in the CENSUS, opening the possibility of constructing new perspectives of analysis in the understanding of the potential distribution of health resources and services according to socioeconomic variables,as well as an important evidence-informedmanagement tool.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Services Accessibility, Delivery of Health Care, Public Health, Data Science, Complex Network
Costa, D.R.T, Barreto, J.O.M., Sampaio, R.B. Modelo Teórico-Metodológico baseado na Teoria de Redes Complexas para Análise da Oferta Potencial dos Serviços de Saúde.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mai). [Citado em 22/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/modelo-teoricometodologico-baseado-na-teoria-de-redes-complexas-para-analise-da-oferta-potencial-dos-servicos-de-saude/17586?id=17586