0197/2024 - Mudanças no uso do tabaco entre adolescentes brasileiros e fatores associados: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar Changes in tobacco use among brasilian adolescents and associated factors: National School Health Survey
O estudo objetiva comparar o consumo de diferentes produtos do tabaco entre os escolares adolescentes no Brasil em 2015 e 2019 e identificar os fatores associados ao seu uso. Estudo transversal com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) de 2015 e 2019. Variáveis: uso atual de cigarro, uso de outros produtos do tabaco e uso de qualquer produto do tabaco. Foi usado o teste do Qui-quadrado de Pearson para verificar associação entre as variáveis, realizada análise bivariada e a multivariada por meio da regressão logística. O uso de cigarros se manteve estável entre 2015 (6,6%) e 2019 (6,8%). Mas houve aumento do uso de qualquer produto do tabaco (de 10,6% em 2015 para 14,8% em 2019), sendo o narguilé o mais frequente (7,8%) e cigarro eletrônico (2,8%). O uso de cigarro foi mais elevada entre os adolescentes de 16 e 17 anos, com cor da pele preta e parda, que faltaram as aulas sem autorização, entre aqueles que relataram não ter amigos, que apresentavam outros fatores de risco como consumir bebidas alcoólicas e que eram fumantes passivos. A prevalência de tabagismo aumentou ao longo dos anos e foi associada com aspectos sociodemográficos e a outros comportamentos de risco à saúde, o que alerta para a necessidade de ações de promoção da saúde ao longo do ciclo de vida, principalmente entre aqueles mais vulneráveis.
Tabagismo; Adolescente; Inquéritos Epidemiológicos; Produtos do tabaco; Fatores de risco.
The study aims to compare the consumption of different tobacco products among adolescent students in Brazil in 2015 and 2019 and identify the factors associated with their use. Cross-sectional study with datathe National School Health Survey (PeNSE)2015 and 2019. Variables: current cigarette use, use of other tobacco products and use of any tobacco product. Pearson\'s Chi-square test was used to verify the association between the variables, bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed using logistic regression. Cigarette use remained stable between 2015 (6.6%) and 2019 (6.8%). But there was an increase in the use of any tobacco products (from 10.6% in 2015 to 14.8% in 2019), with hookah being the most common (7.8%) and electronic cigarettes (2 .8%). Cigarette use was higher among adolescents aged 16 and 17, with black and brown skin color, who missed classes without authorization, among those who reported having no friends, who had other risk factors such as consuming alcoholic beverages and who were passive smokers. The prevalence of smoking has increased over the years and has been associated with sociodemographic aspects and other health risk behaviors, which highlights the need for health promotion actions throughout the life cycle, especially among those most vulnerable.
Tobacco Use Disorder; Adolescent; Health Surveys; Tobacco Products; Risk Factors
Changes in tobacco use among brasilian adolescents and associated factors: National School Health Survey
Resumo (abstract):
The study aims to compare the consumption of different tobacco products among adolescent students in Brazil in 2015 and 2019 and identify the factors associated with their use. Cross-sectional study with datathe National School Health Survey (PeNSE)2015 and 2019. Variables: current cigarette use, use of other tobacco products and use of any tobacco product. Pearson\'s Chi-square test was used to verify the association between the variables, bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed using logistic regression. Cigarette use remained stable between 2015 (6.6%) and 2019 (6.8%). But there was an increase in the use of any tobacco products (from 10.6% in 2015 to 14.8% in 2019), with hookah being the most common (7.8%) and electronic cigarettes (2 .8%). Cigarette use was higher among adolescents aged 16 and 17, with black and brown skin color, who missed classes without authorization, among those who reported having no friends, who had other risk factors such as consuming alcoholic beverages and who were passive smokers. The prevalence of smoking has increased over the years and has been associated with sociodemographic aspects and other health risk behaviors, which highlights the need for health promotion actions throughout the life cycle, especially among those most vulnerable.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Tobacco Use Disorder; Adolescent; Health Surveys; Tobacco Products; Risk Factors
Malta, D.C, Morais, E. A. H., Souza, J.B, Silva, A. G., dos Santos, F. M., Gomes, C. S., Pereira, C. A.. Mudanças no uso do tabaco entre adolescentes brasileiros e fatores associados: Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2024/mai). [Citado em 27/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/mudancas-no-uso-do-tabaco-entre-adolescentes-brasileiros-e-fatores-associados-pesquisa-nacional-de-saude-do-escolar/19245?id=19245