0102/2021 - O lugar do cuidador familiar de idosos com doença de Alzheimer: uma revisão de literatura no Brasil e Estados Unidos The place of family caregivers for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease: a literature review in Brazil and the United States
Apresenta-se uma revisão de literatura sobre cuidadores familiares de pacientes com a doença de Alzheimer no período de 2013 a 2017 disponíveis nas bases de dados BVS, Scopus e Pubmed. Descritores utilizados: doença de Alzheimer, cuidadores, saúde do idoso, por combinação. Dos 163 artigos analisados, após aplicação do teste de relevancia,foram selecionados 26 artigos apresentados a partir de cinco unidades temáticas: 1- Revisões de literatura; 2- Perfis de prevalencia dos cuidadores de DA; 3-Pesquisas qualitativas que analisam os sentimentos e sofrimentos dos cuidadores; 4- Estudos comparativos e testes objetivos; 5-Pesquisas de avaliação de programas de intervenção. A análise compreensiva e comparativa das investigações demarcou diferenças e semelhanças, vantages e desvantagens das amostras e metodologias adotadas no Brasil e Estado Unidos. Os artigos analisaram fatores que influenciam o impacto sobre cuidadores familiares com doença de Alzheimer, situando os laços afetivos envolvidos, a reciprocidade esperada, os custos físicos, emocionais e sociais associados a uma doença crônica prolongada e de exigência de cuidados cada vez mais complexos. Verificou-se que o cuidador familiar tanto quanto as pessoas idosas com DA demandam uma ampla rede de suporte, acessível ou articulada, dentro e fora da família.
doença de Alzheimer; cuidadores; saúde do idoso
This is a review of the literature on family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer\'s disease2013 to 2017 available in the VHL, Scopus and Pubmed databases. Descriptors used: Alzheimer\'s disease, caregivers, elderly health, by combination. Of the 163 articles analyzed, after applying the relevance test, we ed 26 articles presentedfive thematic units: 1- Literature reviews; 2- Prevalence profiles of AD caregivers; 3-Qualitative research that analyzes the feelings and sufferings of caregivers; 4- Comparative studies and objective tests; 5-Evaluation studies of intervention programs. The comprehensive and comparative analysis of the investigations highlighted differences and similarities, vantages and disadvantages of the samples and methodologies adopted in Brazil and United States. The articles analyzed factors that influence the impact on family caregivers with Alzheimer\'s disease, placing the affective ties involved, the expected reciprocity, the physical, emotional and social costs associated with a prolonged chronic illness and requiring increasingly complex care. It has been found that family caregivers as well as older adults with AD require a broad, accessible or articulated support network, both inside and outside the family.
Alzheimer\'s disease; caregivers; health of the elderly
The place of family caregivers for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease: a literature review in Brazil and the United States
Resumo (abstract):
This is a review of the literature on family caregivers of patients with Alzheimer\'s disease2013 to 2017 available in the VHL, Scopus and Pubmed databases. Descriptors used: Alzheimer\'s disease, caregivers, elderly health, by combination. Of the 163 articles analyzed, after applying the relevance test, we ed 26 articles presentedfive thematic units: 1- Literature reviews; 2- Prevalence profiles of AD caregivers; 3-Qualitative research that analyzes the feelings and sufferings of caregivers; 4- Comparative studies and objective tests; 5-Evaluation studies of intervention programs. The comprehensive and comparative analysis of the investigations highlighted differences and similarities, vantages and disadvantages of the samples and methodologies adopted in Brazil and United States. The articles analyzed factors that influence the impact on family caregivers with Alzheimer\'s disease, placing the affective ties involved, the expected reciprocity, the physical, emotional and social costs associated with a prolonged chronic illness and requiring increasingly complex care. It has been found that family caregivers as well as older adults with AD require a broad, accessible or articulated support network, both inside and outside the family.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Alzheimer\'s disease; caregivers; health of the elderly
Dadalto, E.V, Cavalcante, FG. O lugar do cuidador familiar de idosos com doença de Alzheimer: uma revisão de literatura no Brasil e Estados Unidos. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2021/mar). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-lugar-do-cuidador-familiar-de-idosos-com-doenca-de-alzheimer-uma-revisao-de-literatura-no-brasil-e-estados-unidos/18001?id=18001