0056/2020 - O papel do divertimento e das determinantes motivacionais na persistência da prática de exercício físico. The role of Enjoyment and motivational determinants in physical exercise persistence.
Como objetivo deste trabalho, definiu-se analisar os efeitos indiretos de determinantes motivacionais no divertimento e na persistência em praticantes de exercício físico regular. Participaram ao todo 967 praticantes de exercício em ginásio e health clubs, com idades compreendidas entre 18 e 65 anos (M = 45,08; DP = 13,76). Todos os participantes tinham mais de 6 meses de experiência regular em exercício físico. Os participantes preencheram ao todo questionários traduzidos e validados para a língua portuguesa no contexto do exercício físico, que examinavam a perceção dos comportamentos interpessoais, as necessidades psicológicas básicas, a regulação da motivação e o divertimento. A persistência foi medida através de registos eletrónicos, considerando um praticante persistente aquele que tivesse uma frequência semanal similar aquela auto-reportada no momento inicial. A maioria das regressões são significativas, confirmado os pressupostos da literatura existente. Os efeitos indiretos mostram que o divertimento desempenha um papel crucial na persistência, tanto por via motivação autónoma, como por via motivação controlada. Em suma, atividades promotoras do prazer que os praticantes de ginásio e health club experienciam durante a prática de exercício físico poderão ser a variável chave na persistência a longo prazo.
motivação; divertimento; exercício físico
This study aimed to analyzed the impact of enjoyment and motivational determinants on exercise persistence in experienced exercisers. In total, 967 gym and health club exercisers aged between 18 and 65 (M = 45.08; SD = 13.76) were recruited for analysis Participants had more than six months of regular exercise practice. Participants completed translated into Portuguese and validated scales in the exercise context, assessing interpersonal behaviors, basic psychological needs, and behavioral regulation. Persistence was measured using computerized records considering persistent exercisers who were exercising at similar frequency as those reported at the initial assessment. Results showed that the measurement and structural model fit the data. Several significant effects were found supporting previous literature. Indirect effects showed enjoyment to play a crucial role on exercise persistence both by the significant effect via autonomous and controlled motivation. In sum, pleasure activities gym and health club exercisers experience during exercise practice can be the key variable of long-term persistence.
The role of Enjoyment and motivational determinants in physical exercise persistence.
Resumo (abstract):
This study aimed to analyzed the impact of enjoyment and motivational determinants on exercise persistence in experienced exercisers. In total, 967 gym and health club exercisers aged between 18 and 65 (M = 45.08; SD = 13.76) were recruited for analysis Participants had more than six months of regular exercise practice. Participants completed translated into Portuguese and validated scales in the exercise context, assessing interpersonal behaviors, basic psychological needs, and behavioral regulation. Persistence was measured using computerized records considering persistent exercisers who were exercising at similar frequency as those reported at the initial assessment. Results showed that the measurement and structural model fit the data. Several significant effects were found supporting previous literature. Indirect effects showed enjoyment to play a crucial role on exercise persistence both by the significant effect via autonomous and controlled motivation. In sum, pleasure activities gym and health club exercisers experience during exercise practice can be the key variable of long-term persistence.
Rodrigues, F, Teixeira, D, Macedo,R, Neiva, H, Cid, L, Monteiro, D. O papel do divertimento e das determinantes motivacionais na persistência da prática de exercício físico.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/mar). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-papel-do-divertimento-e-das-determinantes-motivacionais-na-persistencia-da-pratica-de-exercicio-fisico/17538?id=17538