0053/2017 - O Programa Nacional de Saúde Reprodutiva de Cabo Verde. Alcances, limites e desafios The National Reproductive Health Programme in Cape Verde. Scope, limits and challenges
• Redy Wilson Lima - Lima, Redy Wilson - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Centro interdisciplinar de Ciencias Sociais - <wilsonredy@gmail.com>
• Cláudia Fernandes de Brito - Brito, Cláudia Fernandes de - Pesquisadora Independente - <clarofer@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
Políticas em Saúde
Cabo Verde é um arquipélago do continente africano, com cerca de 538.535 habitantes Desde sua independencia em 1975 o país tem experimentado um rápido crescimento economico e social, com ganhos significativos em escolarização, redução dos óbitos maternos e da mortalidade infantil. Em 2001, seguindo as diretrizes da Conferencia Internacional de População e Desenvolvimento (CIPD, Cairo, 1994), foi lançado o Programa Nacional de Saúde Reprodutiva, PNSR, visando incluir ações de saúde sexual e reprodutiva, SSR, para adolescentes, jovens e homens adultos, em parceria com o setor de educação e centros de juventude. Entretanto, a persistencia da gravidez não planejada, do aborto clandestino e da infecção pelo HIV indicam lacunas na sua implementação. Estudos realizados no país apontam razões sócio-culturais e no âmbito da organização e oferta de serviços para os problemas identificados. Este trabalho tem como finalidade refletir sobre os alcance e limites do PNSR de Cabo Verde, considerando os desafios de implementação de políticas de saúde que afetam práticas culturais relativas ao gênero e a sexualidade; as especificidades demográficas, sócio economicas e culturais de Cabo Verde e ainda a importancia da SSR para o desenvolvimento.
políticas públicassaúde sexual e reprodutivaadolescentes e jovensCabo Verde
Cape Verde is an archipelago in the African coast, with 538,535 inhabitants living in nine islands. Since the independence in 1975 the country has experienced rapid economic and social growth, with significant gains in education and maternal and infant mortality decrease. In 2001, following the guidelines of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo, 1994), was released the National Reproductive Health Programme (PNSR) aiming to include sexual and reproductive health services to adolescents, young people and adult men, in partnership with the education sector and youth centers. However, the persistence of unplanned pregnancy, illegal abortion and HIV/aids infection indicates gaps in its implementation Studies conducted in the country point socio-cultural aspects and the health services structure and organization as some reasons for the problems identified. This paper aims to reflect on the scope and limits of the PNSR in Cape Verde, considering the challenges of implementing health policies related to cultural practices as gender and sexuality; the specifics of Cape Verde demographics, economics and culture, and the importance of SSR to the development.
public policysexual and reproductive healthadolescents and youthCape Verde
The National Reproductive Health Programme in Cape Verde. Scope, limits and challenges
Resumo (abstract):
Cape Verde is an archipelago in the African coast, with 538,535 inhabitants living in nine islands. Since the independence in 1975 the country has experienced rapid economic and social growth, with significant gains in education and maternal and infant mortality decrease. In 2001, following the guidelines of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo, 1994), was released the National Reproductive Health Programme (PNSR) aiming to include sexual and reproductive health services to adolescents, young people and adult men, in partnership with the education sector and youth centers. However, the persistence of unplanned pregnancy, illegal abortion and HIV/aids infection indicates gaps in its implementation Studies conducted in the country point socio-cultural aspects and the health services structure and organization as some reasons for the problems identified. This paper aims to reflect on the scope and limits of the PNSR in Cape Verde, considering the challenges of implementing health policies related to cultural practices as gender and sexuality; the specifics of Cape Verde demographics, economics and culture, and the importance of SSR to the development.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
public policysexual and reproductive healthadolescents and youthCape Verde
Villela, W.V., Lima, Redy Wilson, Brito, Cláudia Fernandes de. O Programa Nacional de Saúde Reprodutiva de Cabo Verde. Alcances, limites e desafios. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/fev). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-programa-nacional-de-saude-reprodutiva-de-cabo-verde-alcances-limites-e-desafios/16099?id=16099