A sexualidade é um tema silenciado em relação à população idosa que é socialmente percebida como assexuada.Este artigo de abordagem qualitativa faz parte de uma pesquisa sobre idosos dependentes cujo objetivo foi analisar suas vivências em relação à sexualidade. O tema foi obtido a partir de entrevistas com 26 deles, que falaram sobre o sexo em suas vidas. A análise de conteúdo temática identificou duas categorias principais nas falas:diferenças de gênero no trato da sexualidade e dificuldade de falar sobre sexo. Observaram-se diferenças na percepção e valorização da sexualidade, segundo gênero. Homens idosos conferem importância para a potência sexual, e mulheres idosas consideram natural a cessação da vida sexual na velhice. Os idosos do sexo masculino enunciam um conceito de sexualidade pautado na satisfação biológica e no ato sexual, enquanto as mulheres valorizam mais a parceria, o afeto e o carinho. Constatou-se silêncio dos pesquisadores quanto ao tema, embora ele tenha sido colocado no manual de pesquisa para orientar a entrevista com a pessoa idosa.No entanto, embora apenas 26tenham mencionado o assunto, foi possível constatar que a sexualidade do idoso é modulada pela percepção de gênero e é um tema pouco estudado e de difícil abordagem em cenários de pesquisa e de atenção à saúde.
Sexuality is a silent theme in relation to the elderly population who are socially perceived as asexual.This qualitative approach article is part of a research on dependent elderly people whose objective was to analyze their experiences about sexuality. The topic was takeninterviews with 26 of them, who talked about sex in their lives.Thematic content analysis identified two main categories in the statements: gender differences in the treatment of sexuality and difficulty in talking about sex.Differences were observed in the perception and valuation of sexuality, according to gender, so elderly men give importance to sexual potency, and elderly women consider the cessation of sexual life in old age to be natural.Elderly men enunciate a concept of sexuality based on biological satisfaction and sexual act, while women value partnership, affection and fondness. Researchers were silent on the topic, although it was included in the research manual to guide the interview with the elderly.However, although only 26 mentioned the subject, it was found that the sexuality of the elderly is modulated by gender perception, itis a poorly studied theme and difficult to approach in research and healthcare settings.
Dependent elderly, Sexuality, Gender, Qualitative research
Sexuality is a silent theme in relation to the elderly population who are socially perceived as asexual.This qualitative approach article is part of a research on dependent elderly people whose objective was to analyze their experiences about sexuality. The topic was takeninterviews with 26 of them, who talked about sex in their lives.Thematic content analysis identified two main categories in the statements: gender differences in the treatment of sexuality and difficulty in talking about sex.Differences were observed in the perception and valuation of sexuality, according to gender, so elderly men give importance to sexual potency, and elderly women consider the cessation of sexual life in old age to be natural.Elderly men enunciate a concept of sexuality based on biological satisfaction and sexual act, while women value partnership, affection and fondness. Researchers were silent on the topic, although it was included in the research manual to guide the interview with the elderly.However, although only 26 mentioned the subject, it was found that the sexuality of the elderly is modulated by gender perception, itis a poorly studied theme and difficult to approach in research and healthcare settings.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Dependent elderly, Sexuality, Gender, Qualitative research
Soares, K.G, Meneghel, S.N. O Silêncio da Sexualidade em Idosos Dependentes. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/ago). [Citado em 23/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-silencio-da-sexualidade-em-idosos-dependentes/17735?id=17735