0091/2019 - O Sistema Único de Saúde no Distrito Federal, Brasil (1960 a 2018): Revisitando a história para planejar o futuro. The Unified Health System in the Federal District, Brazil (1960 to 2018): Revisiting history to plan the future.
A análise do percurso das políticas de saúde contribui para desvelar os elementos endógenos e exógenos que influenciam na gestão dos sistemas de saúde. Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever a trajetória do Sistema Único de Saúde do Distrito Federal (SUS-DF) no período de 1960 a 2018 e identificar os desafios para ampliar a capacidade de proteção e promoção da saúde da população do DF. Realizou-se análise documental de planos, portarias, relatórios e artigos publicados no período de 1959 a 2018 e coleta de dados secundários em bases de dados do DATASUS e do Governo do Distrito Federal. Resultados: a trajetória do SUS-DF foi delineada por meio de ações de organização da assistência, da gestão do sistema de saúde e de formação e desenvolvimento de pessoal de saúde. Indicadores de saúde como a mortalidade infantil e a esperança de vida ao nascer evoluíram positivamente. Houve ampliação da oferta de serviços com aumento no número de leitos, de unidades básicas de saúde e de profissionais, embora insuficiente, dado o aumento populacional. Conclusão: as ações sinalizam para a complexidade crescente da gestão do sistema de saúde, com desafios relacionados à adequação da capacidade de resposta às necessidades de saúde da população e desvelam potenciais internos no campo da formação em saúde.
Sistema Único de Saúde, Políticas de saúde, Gestão em saúde
The analysis of health policy pathway contributes to unveil the endogenous and exogenous elements that influence the management of health systems. This article aims to describe the trajectory of the Unified Health System of the Federal District (SUS-DF) in the period1960 to 2018 and identify the challenges to expand the capacity for protection and health promotion of the population of the Federal District. Documentary analysis of plans, reports, and articles published during the period 1959 to 2018 and collection of secondary data were carried out in databases of DATASUS and the Government of the Federal District. Results: The SUS-DF trajectory was delineated through actions of organization of care, management of the health system and training and development of health personnel. Health indicators such as infant mortality and life expectancy at birth have evolved positively. There was an increase in the supply of services, with an increase in the number of beds, basic health units and professionals, although insufficient given the population increase. Conclusion: the actions signalize the growing complexity of health system management, with challenges related to the adaptation of the capacity to respond to the health needs of the population and reveal potential internal in the field of health training.
Unified Health System, Health Policy, Health Management
The Unified Health System in the Federal District, Brazil (1960 to 2018): Revisiting history to plan the future.
Resumo (abstract):
The analysis of health policy pathway contributes to unveil the endogenous and exogenous elements that influence the management of health systems. This article aims to describe the trajectory of the Unified Health System of the Federal District (SUS-DF) in the period1960 to 2018 and identify the challenges to expand the capacity for protection and health promotion of the population of the Federal District. Documentary analysis of plans, reports, and articles published during the period 1959 to 2018 and collection of secondary data were carried out in databases of DATASUS and the Government of the Federal District. Results: The SUS-DF trajectory was delineated through actions of organization of care, management of the health system and training and development of health personnel. Health indicators such as infant mortality and life expectancy at birth have evolved positively. There was an increase in the supply of services, with an increase in the number of beds, basic health units and professionals, although insufficient given the population increase. Conclusion: the actions signalize the growing complexity of health system management, with challenges related to the adaptation of the capacity to respond to the health needs of the population and reveal potential internal in the field of health training.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Unified Health System, Health Policy, Health Management
Gottems, L.B.D., Almeida, MO, Raggio, AMB, BITTENCOURT, R. J.. O Sistema Único de Saúde no Distrito Federal, Brasil (1960 a 2018): Revisitando a história para planejar o futuro.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2019/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-sistema-unico-de-saude-no-distrito-federal-brasil-1960-a-2018-revisitando-a-historia-para-planejar-o-futuro/17165?id=17165