0048/2022 - O uso do misoprostol na interrupção da gestação: revisão de estudos realizados no Brasil The use of misoprostol in the termination of pregnancy: a rewiew of studies carried out in Brazil
O uso do medicamento misoprostol é o meio mais comum de provocar aborto em mulheres. Trata-se de prática ilegal, associada a agravos à saúde. O objetivo desse artigo é sintetizar o conhecimento produzido em pesquisas no Brasil sobre o aborto induzido e o uso do misoprostol, publicadas em periódicos brasileiros. Estudo de revisão de estudos originais publicados em revistas indexadas na base Scientific Eletronic Library Online SciELO Brasil. A busca foi realizada com os descritores aborto e misoprostol. Foram encontrados 29 títulos e incluídos 21 artigos na revisão. A maioria das mulheres que induz a interrupção da gestação é jovem e o faz antes das quinze semanas de gestação. O método mais utilizado é a administração do misoprostol. Este medicamento é eficaz para a interrupção da gestação no primeiro trimestre e apresenta baixa taxa de complicações. Contudo, no caminho percorrido da descoberta da gestação até a finalização do aborto, quanto mais vulnerável socialmente a mulher, maiores os riscos para a saúde no processo do abortamento. Estudos indicam uma taxa de 2% de malformações congênitas em recém-nascidos e fetos expostos ao misoprostol. O abortamento com misoprostol é prática comum, o que gera insegurança em relação à sua eficácia e medo de prestar informações sobre seu uso.
aborto, misoprostol, abortivos
The use of misoprostol is the most common way used by women to induce an abortion in Brazil. As the doing of an abortion in this way is illegal, its usage can create several health problems in women. The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge presented in Brazilian journals about induced abortions using misoprostol. The review includes findingsoriginal research published and available in catalogued Journals in Scientific Electronic Library Online SciELO Brazil base. The majority of women that induce the termination of pregnancy are young and do this before fifteen weeks of gestation. The most common method is the use of misoprostol. This drug is effective for interrupting pregnancy in its first trimester and has a low complication rate if used during this period. However, on the path takenthe discovery of the preganancy to the completion of the abortion, it was found that socially vulnerable women tend to have greater health risks in the abortion process. Studies indicate a two percent rate of congenital malformations in newborns and fetuses exposed to misoprostol. Clandestine abortions using misoprostol is a common practice, which creates insecurity regarding its effectiveness and fear of providing information about its use.
The use of misoprostol in the termination of pregnancy: a rewiew of studies carried out in Brazil
Resumo (abstract):
The use of misoprostol is the most common way used by women to induce an abortion in Brazil. As the doing of an abortion in this way is illegal, its usage can create several health problems in women. The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge presented in Brazilian journals about induced abortions using misoprostol. The review includes findingsoriginal research published and available in catalogued Journals in Scientific Electronic Library Online SciELO Brazil base. The majority of women that induce the termination of pregnancy are young and do this before fifteen weeks of gestation. The most common method is the use of misoprostol. This drug is effective for interrupting pregnancy in its first trimester and has a low complication rate if used during this period. However, on the path takenthe discovery of the preganancy to the completion of the abortion, it was found that socially vulnerable women tend to have greater health risks in the abortion process. Studies indicate a two percent rate of congenital malformations in newborns and fetuses exposed to misoprostol. Clandestine abortions using misoprostol is a common practice, which creates insecurity regarding its effectiveness and fear of providing information about its use.
Machado, L. O., Taquette, S.R.. O uso do misoprostol na interrupção da gestação: revisão de estudos realizados no Brasil. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2022/abr). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/o-uso-do-misoprostol-na-interrupcao-da-gestacao-revisao-de-estudos-realizados-no-brasil/18304?id=18304