2230/2013 - Os diálogos da antropologia com a saúde: contribuições para as políticas públicas Anthropology‘s Dialogues with Health Sciences: Contributions for Public Policieses
• Esther Jean Langdon - Langdon, E. J. - Florianópolis - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia, Universidade Federal de Antropologia; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - <estherjeanbr@yahoo.com.br> ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5883-3000
Área Temática:
Não Categorizado
No intuito de examinar o desenvolvimento dos paradigmas antropológicos e seu diálogo com a medicina, a discussão está organizada segundo dois eixos gerais, porém não exclusivos: o que enfoca a saúde e a doença como experiência e construção sociocultural, e o que examina a saúde a partir de uma perspectiva interacional e política. No primeiro eixo, privilegio as teorias estadunidenses e francesas que encontram reflexo no diálogo antropológico no Brasil. Para o último eixo, o da política, a discussão parte do diálogo entre antropólogos na América Latina que vêm desenvolvendo modelos para contribuir com a interdisciplinaridade necessária para as políticas e a intervenção na saúde. Os conceitos de práticas de autoatenção, intermedicalidade, entre outros, são explorados por causa de sua contribuição na antropologia para as políticas públicas em saúde. Estes antropólogos vêm argumentando que as práticas de saúde precisam ser entendidas através das noções de autonomia, coletividade, agência e práxis, em oposição à perspectiva biomédica caracterizada como universalista, biologista, individualista e a-histórica.
antropologia da saúde
práticas de autoatenção
políticas públicas
antropologias do sul
In an effort to examine the development of anthropological paradigms and their dialogue with medicine, the discussion is organized by two general, but not exclusive, themes: that which focuses on health and disease as experience and sociocultural construction and that which examines health from an interactional and political perspective. For the former, I focus on North American and French theories that are reflected in anthropological dialogue in Brazil. For the latter theme, that of the political, the discussion originates in the dialogue among anthropologists in Latin America who have been developing models in order to contribute to an interdisciplinary approach necessary for health policies and intervention in health. The concepts of practices in selfcare and intermedicality, among others, are explored for the contribution of anthropology to public policies in health. These anthropologists have been arguing that health practices must be understood through the notions of autonomy, collectivity, agency and praxis in opposition to the notions of the biomedical perspective characterized as universalist, biological, individualist and a-historical.
anthropology of health
practices of selfcare
public policy
anthropologies of the South
Anthropology‘s Dialogues with Health Sciences: Contributions for Public Policieses
Resumo (abstract):
In an effort to examine the development of anthropological paradigms and their dialogue with medicine, the discussion is organized by two general, but not exclusive, themes: that which focuses on health and disease as experience and sociocultural construction and that which examines health from an interactional and political perspective. For the former, I focus on North American and French theories that are reflected in anthropological dialogue in Brazil. For the latter theme, that of the political, the discussion originates in the dialogue among anthropologists in Latin America who have been developing models in order to contribute to an interdisciplinary approach necessary for health policies and intervention in health. The concepts of practices in selfcare and intermedicality, among others, are explored for the contribution of anthropology to public policies in health. These anthropologists have been arguing that health practices must be understood through the notions of autonomy, collectivity, agency and praxis in opposition to the notions of the biomedical perspective characterized as universalist, biological, individualist and a-historical.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
anthropology of health
practices of selfcare
public policy
anthropologies of the South
Langdon, E. J.. Os diálogos da antropologia com a saúde: contribuições para as políticas públicas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/dez). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/os-dialogos-da-antropologia-com-a-saude-contribuicoes-para-as-politicas-publicas/14927?id=14927