A inserção do palhaço no hospital é relativamente recente e mais de 700 organizações realizam a palhaçoterapia em hospitais no Brasil e outras ao redor do mundo. Dada a ênfase em integralidade do cuidado e humanização da assistência na saúde, torna-se oportuno compreender e analisar a produção nacional e internacional do conhecimento científico sobre esta prática que desafia o modelo hegemônico de cuidado e potencialmente contribui na recuperação da saúde. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura utilizando análise de conteúdo temática que analisou 18 publicações. As categorias que emergiram foram: respostas fisiológicas, comportamentais e emocionais; ansiedade pré-operatória; e ressignificação das práticas e do ambiente hospitalar. A literatura analisada aponta que a palhaçoterapia provoca diminuição significativa da ansiedade pré-operatória em crianças, comparativamente maior do que a obtida com o uso de um fármaco indutor de anestesia. A maior parte dos estudos investigou o uso da palhaçoterapia na adaptação à hospitalização, auxiliando na atribuição de novos significados. Apesar da baixa representatividade do tema no campo científico e mesmo não sendo amplamente aceita como prática de saúde, os resultados encontrados sugerem benefícios na utilização da palhaçoterapia em ambiente hospitalar.
Humanização da Assistência. Terapia do Riso. Assistência hospitalar.
Clowns presence in hospitals is relatively recent and currently more than 700 organizations perform clown therapy in public and private hospitals in Brazil and many more around the world. Considering the emphasis in whole care and humanization on health, it is opportune to understand and analyze national and international scientific literature on clown therapy. This practice challenges the hegemonic biomedical model and potentially helps in recovering health. A literature review was performed and 18 papers were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The following categories that emergedthe analysis: physiological, behavioral, and emotional responses; pre-surgical anxiety and attribution of new meanings to practices and hospital environment. Results have shown that clown therapy causes a significant decrease in preoperative anxiety in children, even when comparing to that obtained with the use of a drug used to induce anesthesia. Most studies investigated the use of clown therapy during patients’ adaptation to hospitalization, helping them to attribute new meanings to this situation. Despite its low representation in the scientific field and the fact that it has not been widely accepted as a health practice, several studies have shown benefits in using clown therapy in a hospital setting.
Humanization of Assistance. Laughter Therapy. Hospital care.
Clowntherapy in hospital setting: A literature review.
Resumo (abstract):
Clowns presence in hospitals is relatively recent and currently more than 700 organizations perform clown therapy in public and private hospitals in Brazil and many more around the world. Considering the emphasis in whole care and humanization on health, it is opportune to understand and analyze national and international scientific literature on clown therapy. This practice challenges the hegemonic biomedical model and potentially helps in recovering health. A literature review was performed and 18 papers were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The following categories that emergedthe analysis: physiological, behavioral, and emotional responses; pre-surgical anxiety and attribution of new meanings to practices and hospital environment. Results have shown that clown therapy causes a significant decrease in preoperative anxiety in children, even when comparing to that obtained with the use of a drug used to induce anesthesia. Most studies investigated the use of clown therapy during patients’ adaptation to hospitalization, helping them to attribute new meanings to this situation. Despite its low representation in the scientific field and the fact that it has not been widely accepted as a health practice, several studies have shown benefits in using clown therapy in a hospital setting.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Humanization of Assistance. Laughter Therapy. Hospital care.
Catapan, S. C., Oliveira, W. F., Rotta, TM. Palhaçoterapia em ambiente hospitalar: Uma revisão de literatura.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/mar). [Citado em 15/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/palhacoterapia-em-ambiente-hospitalar-uma-revisao-de-literatura/16664?id=16664