0127/2016 - Perspectivas e desafios da “nova” Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde: para qual arena política aponta a gestão? Perspectives and challenges of “new” National Health Promotion Policy: which political arena does the management point?
• Tales Iuri Paz e Albuquerque - Albuquerque, Tales Iuri Paz e - Aracajú, SE - Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Educação em Saúde - <tales.fisio@gmail.com>
• José Luiz Araújo Júnior - Araújo Júnior, José Luiz - Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhães / Fiocruz Pernambuco, NESC - <josearaujo@cpqam.fiocruz.br>
• Ronice Maria Pereira Franco de Sá - Franco de Sá, Ronice Maria Pereira - Recife, Pernambuco - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Núcleo de Saúde Pública e Desenvolvimento Social - <ronicefranco@gmail.com>
Área Temática:
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A “nova” Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde projeta perspectivas e desafios para a arena política. É nesse lócus que se estabelecem os acordos e desacordos circunscritos às tomadas de decisão, que nortearão a sua implementação. Este estudo visou entender essas questões buscando refletir sobre a formação das arenas, contribuindo na construção de estratégias coerentes à política. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, fundamentado na teoria da justificação e seus mundos, conforme Boltanski e Thévenot. Os entrevistados foram atores envolvidos com a gestão dessa política. Na análise, verificou-se a presença dos mundos: cívico- visão e conceitos; por projetos- execução; e industrial- limites impostos. Estes mundos definem as arenas onde as perspectivas e desafios apontados (análise por categorização conceitual) aparecem. As configurações advindas dos cruzamentos dos mundos esboçam arenas estabelecidas mediante seus interesses e características resultantes da construção de acordos. Ressaltam-se ainda grandezas dos mundos que podem configurar-se em controvérsias ou conflitos, principalmente entre as subcategorias presentes em mais de um mundo. Consciência crítica e o estabelecimento de um jogo político claro serão exigidos dos atores envolvidos para promover acordos e/ou desacordos relativos à nova política.
promoção da saúde
política pública
The “new” National Health Promotion Policy foresees perspectives and challenges for the political arena. This is where agreements and disagreements are established, in the decision-making process, which will guide its implementation. This study aimed to understand these questions, seeking to apprehend about these arenas formation, in order to contribute with strategies coherent with the policy. It is a qualitative study, founded on the theory of justification and its worlds, according Boltanski and Thévenot. Those interviewed were social actors involved with this policy management. The analysis verified the presence of the worlds such as: the civic – its vision and concepts; projects – the execution; and the industrial – imposed limits. These worlds define the arenas where the pointed perspectives and challenges (analysed by conceptual categorization) appear. The settings arising from worlds’ crossing scheme shows arenas established through interests and issues resulting from construction of agreements. It still highlights worlds’ magnitudes that may be seen in controversies or conflicts, mainly among the subcategories presented in more than one world. Critical awareness and the establishment of a clear political game are required from social actors involved in to promote agreements and/or disagreements related to the new policy.
Perspectives and challenges of “new” National Health Promotion Policy: which political arena does the management point?
Resumo (abstract):
The “new” National Health Promotion Policy foresees perspectives and challenges for the political arena. This is where agreements and disagreements are established, in the decision-making process, which will guide its implementation. This study aimed to understand these questions, seeking to apprehend about these arenas formation, in order to contribute with strategies coherent with the policy. It is a qualitative study, founded on the theory of justification and its worlds, according Boltanski and Thévenot. Those interviewed were social actors involved with this policy management. The analysis verified the presence of the worlds such as: the civic – its vision and concepts; projects – the execution; and the industrial – imposed limits. These worlds define the arenas where the pointed perspectives and challenges (analysed by conceptual categorization) appear. The settings arising from worlds’ crossing scheme shows arenas established through interests and issues resulting from construction of agreements. It still highlights worlds’ magnitudes that may be seen in controversies or conflicts, mainly among the subcategories presented in more than one world. Critical awareness and the establishment of a clear political game are required from social actors involved in to promote agreements and/or disagreements related to the new policy.
Albuquerque, Tales Iuri Paz e, Araújo Júnior, José Luiz, Franco de Sá, Ronice Maria Pereira. Perspectivas e desafios da “nova” Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde: para qual arena política aponta a gestão?. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2016/mar). [Citado em 19/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/perspectivas-e-desafios-da-nova-politica-nacional-de-promocao-da-saude-para-qual-arena-politica-aponta-a-gestao/15551?id=15551&id=15551