0335/2018 - Physical violence inside female prisons in Brazil: prevalence and related factors Violência física dentro das prisões femininas no Brasil: prevalência e fatores relacionados
O presente artigo objetiva identificar a prevalência de violência física no interior das prisões femininas brasileiras, bem como fatores associados. Estudo transversal de abrangência nacional, realizado em 15 unidades prisionais femininas nas cinco regiões do Brasil em amostra selecionada por múltiplos estágios. Realizou-se análise univariada; análise estratificada em relação ao desfecho (sofrer violência física dentro da prisão) e as variáveis preditoras através do teste de Chi-quadrado de Pearson; cálculo da Odds Ratio; e regressão logística múltipla. Utilizou-se o teste Hosmer-Lemeshow para análise de qualidade de ajuste e adequação do modelo. A prevalência de violência física dentro das prisões femininas brasileiras foi de 37,4%. Houve correlação entre a vitimização da violência física na prisão e as seguintes variáveis: vitimização física prévia (p =0,013), isolamento (p =0,000), sofrimento mental (p = 0,003), ingestão abusiva e/ou dependência alcoólica (p = 0,011), uso atual ou prévio de cocaína injetável (p =0,002) e ócio prisional (p =0,003). A violência física tornou-se inerente ao sistema prisional feminino brasileiro. Estudos futuros são necessários no intuito de fornecer propostas para intervenções efetivas de modo a prevenir a violência física dentro das instalações prisionais.
The present study aims to identify the prevalence of physical violence against female prisoners in Brazil, as well as related factors. Cross-sectional study of national survey conducted in 15 female prison units in five regions of Brazil in a sample ed by multiple stages. The following types of analysis were performed: univariate analysis; stratified analysis in relation to the outcome (suffer physical violence inside prison) and the predictor variables, using the chi-square Pearson test; calculation of the Odds Ratio (O.R.); and multiple logistic regression. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test was used for analysis of goodness of fit and adequacy of the model. The prevalence of physical violence inside female prisons was 37.4%. There was a correlation between physic violence victimization in prison and the following variables: physical victimization prior to arrest (p=0.013), solitary confinement (p = 0,000), mental suffering (p = 0.003), current or previous abusive intake of alcohol (p=0,011), current or previous injecting cocaine use (p= 0.002) and not performing prison labor (p = 0.003). Physical violence has become inherent in the Brazilian female prison system. Future studies are needed to provide proposals for effective interventions so as to prevent physical violence inside the facilities.
Violência física dentro das prisões femininas no Brasil: prevalência e fatores relacionados
Resumo (abstract):
The present study aims to identify the prevalence of physical violence against female prisoners in Brazil, as well as related factors. Cross-sectional study of national survey conducted in 15 female prison units in five regions of Brazil in a sample ed by multiple stages. The following types of analysis were performed: univariate analysis; stratified analysis in relation to the outcome (suffer physical violence inside prison) and the predictor variables, using the chi-square Pearson test; calculation of the Odds Ratio (O.R.); and multiple logistic regression. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test was used for analysis of goodness of fit and adequacy of the model. The prevalence of physical violence inside female prisons was 37.4%. There was a correlation between physic violence victimization in prison and the following variables: physical victimization prior to arrest (p=0.013), solitary confinement (p = 0,000), mental suffering (p = 0.003), current or previous abusive intake of alcohol (p=0,011), current or previous injecting cocaine use (p= 0.002) and not performing prison labor (p = 0.003). Physical violence has become inherent in the Brazilian female prison system. Future studies are needed to provide proposals for effective interventions so as to prevent physical violence inside the facilities.