1778/2012 - POLÍTICAS DE REDUÇÃO DE DANOS NO BRASIL: CONTRIBUIÇÕES DE UM PROGRAMA NORTE-AMERICANO Harm Reduction Policies in Brasil: Contributions of a North American Program
• Kimberly Page - Page, K. - Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics/UCSF - <kpage@psg.ucsf.edu>
Área Temática:
Políticas em Saúde
Considerando a disseminação da epidemia de HIV e o controle de sua transmissão entre UDI, estratégias de redução de danos foram incorporadas em diversos países, incluindo o Brasil. Considerando a emergência das drogas como tema central na agenda governamental, especialmente o crack, o presente artigo registra e discute as práticas observadas em um programa de pesquisa e atenção aos UDI: o UFO. Foram considerados aspectos tais como acesso e adesão do usuário, dificuldades de financiamento, sustentabilidade e avaliação de resultados. As etapas do estudo envolveram pesquisa documental, observação sistemática e entrevistas com informantes-chave. Destacamos características do UFO que poderiam contribuir para políticas de redução de danos no cenário brasileiro. O programa estudado se apresenta como um exemplo exitoso de iniciativas de redução de danos, obtendo sucesso no acesso e adesão desse grupo, favorecendo seu acesso aos serviços de saúde e prevenção de riscos associados ao uso de drogas.
Redução de Danos
Uso de Drogas
Políticas de Saúde
Given the dissemination of HIV epidemic and the need of controlling its transmission among IDU, harm reduction strategies were incorporated in many countries, including Brazil. Considering such features and taking into account the emergence of drugs as a central item in governmental agenda, we present some of contributions from observing and recording the practices of an American model of research and care for IDUs: the UFO (You Find Out) Study. Issues such as participants’ access and adherence, financing sustainability and outcome evaluation are considered. The study involved documental research, systematic observation and interviews with key informants. We highlight some of the UFO features that could contribute to the formulation of harm reduction policies in Brazil. The UFO appears to be a successful example of harm reduction initiatives associated with research, in response to injecting drug users. The project has successfully accessing that population, providing health services and reducing risks associated with drug use.
Harm Reduction
Drug Use
Health Policies
Harm Reduction Policies in Brasil: Contributions of a North American Program
Resumo (abstract):
Given the dissemination of HIV epidemic and the need of controlling its transmission among IDU, harm reduction strategies were incorporated in many countries, including Brazil. Considering such features and taking into account the emergence of drugs as a central item in governmental agenda, we present some of contributions from observing and recording the practices of an American model of research and care for IDUs: the UFO (You Find Out) Study. Issues such as participants’ access and adherence, financing sustainability and outcome evaluation are considered. The study involved documental research, systematic observation and interviews with key informants. We highlight some of the UFO features that could contribute to the formulation of harm reduction policies in Brazil. The UFO appears to be a successful example of harm reduction initiatives associated with research, in response to injecting drug users. The project has successfully accessing that population, providing health services and reducing risks associated with drug use.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Harm Reduction
Drug Use
Health Policies
Inglez, A., Ribeiro, J.M., Bastos, F.I., Page, K.. POLÍTICAS DE REDUÇÃO DE DANOS NO BRASIL: CONTRIBUIÇÕES DE UM PROGRAMA NORTE-AMERICANO. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2013/abr). [Citado em 09/03/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/politicas-de-reducao-de-danos-no-brasil-contribuicoes-de-um-programa-norteamericano/12516?id=12516