0177/2020 - Práticas sociais do parto e do nascer no Brasil: A fala das puérperas Social practices of childbirth and birth in Brazil: The speech of the puerperal women
O artigo analisa as opiniões de um grupo de mulheres acerca da atenção por elas recebida em maternidades vinculadas ao Programa Rede Cegonha, do Ministério da Saúde. Tais opiniões foram sistematizadas por meio de um questionário aplicado a 10.665 puérperas, nos anos 2016 e 2017, como parte do estudo “Avaliação das boas práticas na atenção ao parto e nascimento em maternidades no âmbito da Rede Cegonha”, desenvolvido pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz e pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Composto majoritariamente de perguntas fechadas, o questionário contém, ao final, uma questão aberta, optativa, em que as puérperas são convidadas a falar com liberdade sobre as condições de seu atendimento nas maternidades. Das 10.665 puérperas entrevistadas, 2.069 registraram opiniões livres. Fez-se uma leitura crítica das opiniões, atenta às suas singularidades e recorrências, para discuti-las à luz de produções bibliográficas especializadas. Os temas destacados foram: relacionamento entre puérperas e equipe de saúde; o direito das puérperas à informação; presença do acompanhante; e qualidade dos serviços e infraestrutura hospitalares. Em comum, todas as mulheres, a partir de elogios ou críticas, reiteram a importância de qualificar os serviços públicos de saúde em prol da humanização do parto no Brasil.
Avaliação de serviços de saúde; Parto; Rede Cegonha.
The article analyzes a group of women\'s opinions about the care they received at maternities integrated to Rede Cegonha Program,Ministry of Health. Such opinions were systematized through a questionnaire applied to 10,665 puerperal women, in the years 2016 and 2017, as part of the study “Good practices evaluation for health care and childbirth in maternities within the scope of Rede Cegonha program”, developed by Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Federal University of Maranhão. Mostly composed of closed-ended questions, the questionnaire contained, at the end, an optional open-ended question. So women had the opportunity to speak freely about the conditions of their care in maternity hospitals. Of the 10,665 puerperal women interviewed, 2,069 registeres free opinions. A critical reading of the opinions was made, attentive to their singularities and recurrences. The study relying on specialized bibliographic productions. The highlighted themes were: the relationship of those women with the health professional team; the puerperals’s right to information; the presence of the companion; and the quality of hospital services and infrastructure. In common, all women,praise or criticism, reiterate the importance of qualifying public health services in favor of the humanization of childbirth in Brazil.
Health Services Evaluation; Parturition; Rede Cegonha.
Social practices of childbirth and birth in Brazil: The speech of the puerperal women
Resumo (abstract):
The article analyzes a group of women\'s opinions about the care they received at maternities integrated to Rede Cegonha Program,Ministry of Health. Such opinions were systematized through a questionnaire applied to 10,665 puerperal women, in the years 2016 and 2017, as part of the study “Good practices evaluation for health care and childbirth in maternities within the scope of Rede Cegonha program”, developed by Oswaldo Cruz Foundation and the Federal University of Maranhão. Mostly composed of closed-ended questions, the questionnaire contained, at the end, an optional open-ended question. So women had the opportunity to speak freely about the conditions of their care in maternity hospitals. Of the 10,665 puerperal women interviewed, 2,069 registeres free opinions. A critical reading of the opinions was made, attentive to their singularities and recurrences. The study relying on specialized bibliographic productions. The highlighted themes were: the relationship of those women with the health professional team; the puerperals’s right to information; the presence of the companion; and the quality of hospital services and infrastructure. In common, all women,praise or criticism, reiterate the importance of qualifying public health services in favor of the humanization of childbirth in Brazil.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Health Services Evaluation; Parturition; Rede Cegonha.
Leal, N.P, Versiani, M.H, Leal, M.C, Santos, Y.R.P. Práticas sociais do parto e do nascer no Brasil: A fala das puérperas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/Jul). [Citado em 05/11/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/praticas-sociais-do-parto-e-do-nascer-no-brasil-a-fala-das-puerperas/17659?id=17659&id=17659