0468/2017 - Preference for death at home and associated factors among Older people in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Preferência por morrer em casa e fatores associados de pessoas idosas da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Examinamos as preferências das pessoas para o local da morte e identificamos os fatores associados com a preferência pela morte em casa. Perguntamos para uma amostra representativa (N=400) de pessoas idosas (?60 anos) residentes da cidade de Belo Horizonte, sobre suas preferências pelo local da morte numa situação de doença grave, com menos de um ano de vida. Os dados foram analisados utilizando regressão binomial para identificar os fatores associados. 52,2% indicaram a casa como o local preferido de morte. Cinco variáveis foram associadas à preferência por morte em casa: aqueles que vivem com 1 criança (odds ratio(OR)0,41; confidence interval(CI)95%:0,18-0,92; ref:nenhuma criança); ter até 4 anos de escolaridade (OR0,42; CI95%:0,20-0,89; ref:ensino superior); ser difícil viver com o rendimento atual (OR3,18; CI95%:1,53-6,62; ref:vive confortavelmente); avaliar a sua saúde geral como razoável (OR2,07; CI95%:1,06-4,03; ref:saúde muito boa) e selecionar \"escolher quem toma decisões sobre os cuidados\" como a prioridade de cuidado mais importante (OR2,43; CI95%:1,34-4,40; ref:morrer no local que se quer). A maioria dos entrevistados expressaram preferência por morrer em casa. No entanto, a maioria dos residentes de Belo Horizonte morre nos hospitais, sugerindo que as preferências não estão sendo consideradas.
idoso; cuidados paliativos; local de morte; Brasil
We examined people’s preferences for place of death and identified factors associated with a home death preference. We asked a representative sample (N=400) of older people (≥ 60 years) residents in the city of Belo Horizonte, about their preferences for place of death in a situation of serious illness with less than a year to live. Data were analyzed using binomial regression to identify associated factors. 52.2% indicate home as the preferred place of death. Five variables were associated with preference for death at home: those living with 1 child (odds ratio (OR)0.41; 95% confidence interval (CI):0.18-0.92; ref:without children); being in education for up to 4 years (OR0.42; 95% CI:0.20-0.89; ref:higher education); finding it difficult to live with the present income (OR3.18; 95% CI:1.53-6.62; ref:living comfortably); self-assessed fair overall health (OR2.07; 95% CI:1.06-4.03; ref:very good health) and ing \"choosing who makes decisions about your care\" as the care priority that would matter to them the most (OR2.43; 95%CI:1.34-4.40; ref: dying in the place you want). Most respondents chose home as preferred place of death. However, most residents of Belo Horizonte die in hospitals, suggesting that preferences are not being considered.
Preferência por morrer em casa e fatores associados de pessoas idosas da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil.
Resumo (abstract):
We examined people’s preferences for place of death and identified factors associated with a home death preference. We asked a representative sample (N=400) of older people (≥ 60 years) residents in the city of Belo Horizonte, about their preferences for place of death in a situation of serious illness with less than a year to live. Data were analyzed using binomial regression to identify associated factors. 52.2% indicate home as the preferred place of death. Five variables were associated with preference for death at home: those living with 1 child (odds ratio (OR)0.41; 95% confidence interval (CI):0.18-0.92; ref:without children); being in education for up to 4 years (OR0.42; 95% CI:0.20-0.89; ref:higher education); finding it difficult to live with the present income (OR3.18; 95% CI:1.53-6.62; ref:living comfortably); self-assessed fair overall health (OR2.07; 95% CI:1.06-4.03; ref:very good health) and ing \"choosing who makes decisions about your care\" as the care priority that would matter to them the most (OR2.43; 95%CI:1.34-4.40; ref: dying in the place you want). Most respondents chose home as preferred place of death. However, most residents of Belo Horizonte die in hospitals, suggesting that preferences are not being considered.
Jorge, R, Calanzani, N, Freitas, A, Nunes, R, Sousa, L. Preference for death at home and associated factors among Older people in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2017/nov). [Citado em 24/01/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/preference-for-death-at-home-and-associated-factors-among-older-people-in-the-city-of-belo-horizonte-brazil/16521?id=16521&id=16521