0133/2020 - Prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados para idosos segundo os Critérios de Beers: Revisão sistemática Prescribing potentially inappropriate medications for the elderly according to Beers Criteria: Systematic review
Objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática para identificar e avaliar a prevalência da prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPI), segundo os Critérios de Beers, em idosos hospitalizados com ?65 anos. Foram consultadas cinco bases de dados: BVS; Cochrane Library; CINAHL; MEDLINE e Web of Science. Foram identificados 19 artigos, selecionados a partir de critérios de elegibilidade. A média de idade foi 78,2 anos e o critério mais utilizado para a identificação dos MPI para idosos foi o de Beers 2015 (57,9%). Um total de 221.879 idosos recebeu prescrição inapropriada, a prevalência média foi de 65.0%, com destaque para o sistema gastrointestinal (15,3%) e os inibidores da bomba de prótons (27,7%) como a principal classe de medicamento prescrita. Conclui-se que os Critérios de Beers possibilitaram a identificação da alta prevalência na prescrição dos MPI. Os resultados desta revisão poderão auxiliar na tomada de decisão dos profissionais de saúde, no intuito de se evitar a administração dos MPI e propor melhores práticas que garantam a segurança do idoso hospitalizado.
Prescrição Inadequada; Lista de Medicamentos Potencialmente Inapropriados; Idoso.
The study aimed to perform a systematic review to identify and evaluate the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIM) prescriptions for the elderly, according to Beers Criteria, in hospitalized elderly individuals aged 65 years or older. Five databases were consulted: VHL; Cochrane Library; CINAHL; MEDLINE and Web of Science. Nineteen articles were identified, ed based on eligibility criteria. The mean age was 78.2 years and the most commonly used criterion for the identification of PIM for the elderly was Beers 2015 (57.9%). A total of 221,879 elderly received a prescription for PIM, the mean prevalence was 65.0%, for the gastrointestinal system (15.3%) and proton-pump inhibitors (27.7%) were highlighted as the main class of medicine prescribed. It is concluded that the Beers Criteria have made it possible to identify the high prevalence in the prescription of PIM. The results of this review may help in the decision making of health professionals, in order to avoid the administration of PIM and to propose best practices to ensure the safety of the elderly hospitalized.
Prescribing potentially inappropriate medications for the elderly according to Beers Criteria: Systematic review
Resumo (abstract):
The study aimed to perform a systematic review to identify and evaluate the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIM) prescriptions for the elderly, according to Beers Criteria, in hospitalized elderly individuals aged 65 years or older. Five databases were consulted: VHL; Cochrane Library; CINAHL; MEDLINE and Web of Science. Nineteen articles were identified, ed based on eligibility criteria. The mean age was 78.2 years and the most commonly used criterion for the identification of PIM for the elderly was Beers 2015 (57.9%). A total of 221,879 elderly received a prescription for PIM, the mean prevalence was 65.0%, for the gastrointestinal system (15.3%) and proton-pump inhibitors (27.7%) were highlighted as the main class of medicine prescribed. It is concluded that the Beers Criteria have made it possible to identify the high prevalence in the prescription of PIM. The results of this review may help in the decision making of health professionals, in order to avoid the administration of PIM and to propose best practices to ensure the safety of the elderly hospitalized.
Praxedes, M.F.S, Pereira, G.C.S, Lima, C.F.M, Santos, D.S., Berhends, J.S. Prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados para idosos segundo os Critérios de Beers: Revisão sistemática. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2020/jun). [Citado em 03/02/2025].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/prescricao-de-medicamentos-potencialmente-inapropriados-para-idosos-segundo-os-criterios-de-beers-revisao-sistematica/17615?id=17615