0226/2023 - Processo de descaracterização da Atenção Primária à Saúde durante a Pandemia no SUS/Campinas The process of decharacterization of Primary Health Care during the Pandemic in SUS Campinas
Este artigo analisa as ofertas de cuidado da APS na cidade de Campinas/SP durante a pandemia de Covid-19, tendo as mudanças no processo de trabalho como um guia condutor. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa descritiva de caráter qualitativo, incluindo observação participante e entrevistas em profundidade com trabalhadores e usuários de quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde (de junho/2021 a janeiro/2022). As análises apontam uma diferença significativa entre o primeiro e o segundo ano da pandemia. No primeiro momento, houve desorganização das estratégias de cuidado e restrição do atendimento aos casos de Covid-19. Já no segundo ano, foram retomadas atividades como visitas domiciliares e atendimentos de rotina, que, somadas ao agravamento do contexto sociossanitário e às novas demandas, como a vacinação, provocaram sobrecarga de trabalho e acirramento das relações entre profissionais e usuários. Além disso, constatou-se a fragilização dos espaços coletivos e de cogestão, tanto no nível da gestão municipal, quanto em reuniões de equipe e espaços de participação social. A retomada de tais espaços e o cuidado aos trabalhadores desgastados por esse período constituem-se desafios para a Atenção Primária em Saúde no contexto pós-pandemia.
Atenção Primária à saúde, Covid-19, Gestão em Saúde, Participação Comunitária.
This article analyzes Primary Health Care offers in the city of Campinas/SP during Covid-19 pandemic, with changes in the work process as the guiding principle. This was a descriptive qualitative research, including participant observation and in-depth interviews with workers and users of four Basic Health Units (from June/2021 to January/2022). The analyses indicate a significant difference between the first and second year of the pandemic. In the first moment, there was disorganization of care strategies and restriction of care for Covid-19 cases. In the second year, activities such as home visits and routine care were resumed, which, added to the worsening of the social-sanitary context and the new demands, such as vaccination, caused an overload of work and strained relations between professionals and users. Moreover, it was observed the weakening of collective and co-management spaces, both at the municipal management level, as well as in team meetings and spaces for social participation. The resumption of such spaces and the care for workers worn out by this period are challenges for Primary Health Care in the post-pandemic context.
Primary Health Care, Covid-19, Health Management, Community Participation.
The process of decharacterization of Primary Health Care during the Pandemic in SUS Campinas
Resumo (abstract):
This article analyzes Primary Health Care offers in the city of Campinas/SP during Covid-19 pandemic, with changes in the work process as the guiding principle. This was a descriptive qualitative research, including participant observation and in-depth interviews with workers and users of four Basic Health Units (from June/2021 to January/2022). The analyses indicate a significant difference between the first and second year of the pandemic. In the first moment, there was disorganization of care strategies and restriction of care for Covid-19 cases. In the second year, activities such as home visits and routine care were resumed, which, added to the worsening of the social-sanitary context and the new demands, such as vaccination, caused an overload of work and strained relations between professionals and users. Moreover, it was observed the weakening of collective and co-management spaces, both at the municipal management level, as well as in team meetings and spaces for social participation. The resumption of such spaces and the care for workers worn out by this period are challenges for Primary Health Care in the post-pandemic context.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Primary Health Care, Covid-19, Health Management, Community Participation.
Cómitre, A.C.D.R, Campos, A.R, Silva, F.G, Jandoso, B., Rodrigues, C.R.C, Campos, G.W.S. Processo de descaracterização da Atenção Primária à Saúde durante a Pandemia no SUS/Campinas. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2023/ago). [Citado em 22/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/processo-de-descaracterizacao-da-atencao-primaria-a-saude-durante-a-pandemia-no-suscampinas/18852?id=18852