0459/2018 - Professores com vínculo temporário apresentam maior frequência de consumo de alimentos pré-preparados. Teachers on a temporary contract reports higher frequency of pre-prepared foods consumption.
Objetivo: Analisar as condutas alimentares de professores segundo os vínculos de trabalho. Métodos: As entrevistas foram realizadas em 20 escolas da rede estadual de Londrina entre 2012 e 2013. Resultados: Dos 978 professores entrevistados, 672 (68,7%) tinham vínculo efetivo e 306 (31,3%) temporário. Altas frequências de condutas alimentares recomendadas - consumo de frutas, verduras e/ou legumes e retirada da gordura visível da carne vermelha - foram observadas em professores com vínculo efetivo. Em contrapartida, professores com vínculo temporário apresentaram altas frequências de condutas alimentares não recomendadas – consumo de alimentos pré-preparados e de bebidas industrializadas ou refrigerantes. Conclusão: Destaca-se que o consumo em alta frequência de alimentos pré-preparados esteve estatisticamente associado ao tipo de vínculo independentemente de fatores sociodemográficos, de estilo de vida e da condição de saúde.
Comportamento alimentar; Docentes; Saúde do trabalhador; Condições de trabalho.
Objective: To analyze eating behaviors according to the type of work bond in schoolteachers. Methods: Interviews were conducted at 20 public state schools in Londrina, Brazil, between 2012 and 2013. Results: Among the 978 teachers interviewed, 672 (68.7%) had an effective bond and 306 (31.3%) were temporary. High frequencies of recommended eating behaviors - consumption of fruits, vegetables and/or vegetables and removing visible fatred meat - were observed in teachers with an effective bond. On the other hand, teachers with temporary bond had high frequencies of non-recommended eating behaviors - consumption of pre-prepared foods and industrialized drinks or sodas. Conclusion: High-frequency consumption of pre-prepared foods was statistically associated with the type of bond regardless of socio-demographic factors, lifestyle and health status.
Eating behavior; Schoolteachers; Occupational health; Work conditions
Teachers on a temporary contract reports higher frequency of pre-prepared foods consumption.
Resumo (abstract):
Objective: To analyze eating behaviors according to the type of work bond in schoolteachers. Methods: Interviews were conducted at 20 public state schools in Londrina, Brazil, between 2012 and 2013. Results: Among the 978 teachers interviewed, 672 (68.7%) had an effective bond and 306 (31.3%) were temporary. High frequencies of recommended eating behaviors - consumption of fruits, vegetables and/or vegetables and removing visible fatred meat - were observed in teachers with an effective bond. On the other hand, teachers with temporary bond had high frequencies of non-recommended eating behaviors - consumption of pre-prepared foods and industrialized drinks or sodas. Conclusion: High-frequency consumption of pre-prepared foods was statistically associated with the type of bond regardless of socio-demographic factors, lifestyle and health status.
Palavras-chave (keywords):
Eating behavior; Schoolteachers; Occupational health; Work conditions
Dias, D. F., Melanda, F. N., Santos, ES, de Andrade, S. M., Mesas, A.E., González, A. D.. Professores com vínculo temporário apresentam maior frequência de consumo de alimentos pré-preparados.. Cien Saude Colet [periódico na internet] (2018/out). [Citado em 23/12/2024].
Está disponível em: http://cienciaesaudecoletiva.com.br/artigos/professores-com-vinculo-temporario-apresentam-maior-frequencia-de-consumo-de-alimentos-prepreparados/16992?id=16992&id=16992